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1. 用英语必修三第三单元的单词写一篇作文 题目自拟100字

you are a high school student or middle? there''re some words you should he not saw before. check them out from your own dictionary.

. when i was a child, i hate almost every sort of animals. the dogs snarled at me terribly, the cat stared at me with bleak eyes etc.

until the day i read a article about a dog's sing a child. i was shocked! i can't even believe an inhuman animal could se one's life! even though it might be an accident. from then on, i accepted and knew the new thought gradually. i realized something wrong with my notion on the relationship beeen human beings and animals. finally, a lovely dog eared in my room--an animal i was fond in pletely.

2. 英语必修3第一单元单词写作文,单词全用上

高中英语必修3词汇表(2009-07-12 004339)标签:英语 教育 分类:高考 高中英语必修3词汇表Aaboard prep.& adv.在船、飞机、火车或公共汽车上account vi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有n.说明;理由;计算;帐目account for 导致;做出解释acid n.酸acre n.英亩admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕adventure n.奇遇;冒险agriculture n.农业;农艺;农学agricultural adj.农业的;农艺的ahead adv.在前;向前;提前go ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说△Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦amount n.数量△amphibian n.两栖动物ancestor n.祖先;祖宗△announcer n.广播员;告知者;报幕员apologize vi.道歉;辩白roximately adv.接近;大约arrival n.到来;到达;到达者as for 关于;至于as though 好像astronomy n.天文学△astronomer n.天文学家atmosphere n.大气层;气氛atom n.原子author n.著者;作家award n.奖;奖品vt.授予;判定Bbacon n.熏咸肉;腊肉baggage n.行李balance vt.平衡;权衡n.天平;平衡balanced diet 平衡膳食barbecue vt.& n.烧烤;烤肉barber n.理发师bay n.海湾bean n.豆;豆科植物beauty n.美;美人△beer n.海狸before long 不久以后belief n.信任;信心;信仰benefit n.利益;好处vt.& vi.有益于;有助于;受益△bet n.赌;打赌vt.& vi.(bet,bet)打赌;△make a bet 打赌△Big Bang 宇宙大爆炸;创世大爆炸billion pron.& n.& adj.英万亿;美十亿biology n.生物学biologist n.生物学家birthplace n.出生地;故乡block out 挡往(光线)△blossom n.花vi.开花bone n.骨;骨头booth n.公用电话间;货摊;售货亭border n.边界;国界;边沿vt.& vi.与……接壤;接近bow vi.& n.鞠躬;弯腰△boyhood n.少年时代break out 突发;爆发breast n.胸部; *** bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出broad adj.宽阔的;广泛的buffet n.自助餐;饮食柜台bush n.灌木(丛);矮树(丛)busines *** an n.商人by accident 偶然;无意在;不小心C△cabin n.小屋;船舱△Calgary n.卡尔加里(加拿大城市)Canadian n.加拿大人adj.加拿大的;加拿大人的△Cantonese n.& adj.广东人(的)广州人(的);广东话(的)carbon n.碳△Carla n.卡拉(女名)△carnival n.狂欢节;(四旬斋前的)饮宴狂欢;嘉年华(会)carrot n.胡萝卜catch sight of 看见;瞥见celebration n.庆祝;祝贺chain n.链子;连锁;锁链△charity n.慈善(团体);施舍chat vi.& n.聊天;闲聊cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋△cherry n.樱桃;樱桃树Christian n.基督徒;信徒adj.基督教的△Christopher Columbus 克利斯朵夫·哥伦布(意大利航海家)climate n.气候clothing n.衣服△cola n.可乐饮料△Columbus Day 哥伦布日bine vt.& vi.(使)联合;(使)结合△et n.彗星confirm vt.证实;证明;批准consult vt.咨询;请教;商量continent n.洲;大陆contrary n.反面;对立面adj.相反的;相违的on the contrary 与此相反;正相反△cooperation n.合作;协作△cowboy n.牛仔;牧童crash vi.& vt.碰撞;坠落cucumber n.黄瓜curiosity n.好奇心custom n.习惯;风俗customer n.顾客;消费者cut down 削减;删节Ddawn n.黎明;拂晓;破晓day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天de n.债;债务in de 欠债dessert n.餐后甜点diet n.日常饮食vi.节食digest vi.& vt.消化n.摘要;概要△dinosaur n.恐龙dioxide n.二氧化物carbon dioxide二氧化碳discount n.折扣△dissolve vt.& vi.溶解;解散distance n.距离;远方in the distance 在远处downtown adj.市区的adv.在市区;往市区dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰drown vt.& vi.淹没;溺;淹Eeagle n.鹰earn one's living 谋生Easter n.(耶稣)复活节easard adv.向东adj.向东的;朝东的wesard adv.向西adj.向西的;朝西的upward adv.向上地;上升地adj.上升的;向上的eggplant n.茄子embassy n.大使馆;大使及其官员energetic adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的envelope n.信封△exhaust vt.用尽;耗尽;使精疲力尽exist vi.存在;生存△extinct adj.灭绝的;绝种的F△fake n.货;欺骗adj.的△fashion n.样子;方式;时尚△fathom n.长度单位(六英尺)fault n.过错;缺点;故障feast n.节日;盛宴fibre n.纤维;纤维制品△flour n.(食物的)味道与气味;特性float vi.& vt.(使)浮动;(使)漂浮n.漂浮物△Florida n.佛罗里达镇(位于密苏里州);佛罗里达(美国州名州)fool n.愚人; *** ;受骗者vt.愚弄;欺骗vi.干傻事;开玩笑adj.傻的five vt.(fe,fiven) 原谅;饶恕frost n.霜;霜冻fry vt.& vi.油煎;油炸stir-fry vt.用旺火炒(或煎、煸)fundamental adj.基本的;基础的Ggain vt.获得;得到garlic n.大蒜gather vt.& vi.搜集;集合;聚集gentle adj.温和的;文雅的genuine adj.真的;真诚的△geologist n.地质学家get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚△get the hang of 熟悉;掌握;理解give birth to 产生;分娩glare vi.怒目而视;闪耀n.怒视;眩目的光globe n.球体;地球仪;地球△global adj.全球性的;全世界的△governor n.州长;总督△gre n.坟墓;墓地grity n.万有引力;重力△grizzly n.(北美洲)灰熊adj.灰色的;有灰斑的H△。

3. 高中英语必修三第三单元百万英镑作文续写范文

2 years passed。

When the couple met again.Now they was calm.When they talled about why they broke up,they could face it.The missunderstanding fanilly obvious.LiFang looked nervous.He was send to USA last 2 years and lost his mobilephone.So he could not connected with HuJin。.There was an idea.LiFang was alone now.He wanted to get her back.He pened his mouth,at this moment,a young man walked here.HuJin stood up and introduced that he was her hu *** and.LiFang turned back and moved away sadly. 补充: Book3 Unit 1 A Sad Love StoryRead the story about Li Fang again. What do you think is going to hen to them. Write your own ending to the story. Use the following hints to help you to prepare for writing.1 Think of how Li Fang will explain that the flowers and chocolates are gone.2 Think of what Hu Jin will say she hears that news.3 Think of the ending to the story that will solve the problem. Will Li Fang be hy or sad.3 endings of the storyA hy ending: As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home, Li Fang heard his name called. It was Hujin. He didn't think Hujin would love him any longer. He was so sad. But to his surprise, Hujin went to him with a beautiful flower. Li Fang didn't know what to say. Would he tell her the truth …… Finally he was honest with her. Hujin knew she had made a mistake about the place to meet. So she five him, they looked each other, and laughed. Since then, they know and love each other even better. A sad ending: Two years passed quickly。

One day, it was so hened that the couple met again in the same coffee shop. Now they were calm when they talked about the reasons why they broke up, they could face it calmly. The misunderstanding was finally obvious. Li Fang looked very nervous and disointed. He has been sent to the USA by his pany last o years and lost his mobile phone. So he could not contacted HuJin。. Suddenly, an idea strikes him. “I'm still single now, why not get her back” He was just opening his mouth When a young man walked in. HuJin stood up and introduced that the gentleman was her hu *** and. LiFang turned back and moved away sadly.A romantic ending: “Hy Valentine's Day, Jin, My dearest honey! Do you know what's the Valentine's gift for you Can you guess” said LiFang.“I'm so eager to see what present for me! Be quick, Fang!” Jin said to Fang hily. “I love you!” LiFang said with full of emotion. ”That is the gift I give you. Yes, just the three words, no more, no less. But you know the three words make up a sentence which stands for my heart, my love! Nothing else can substitute for my love. I just want you to know that I love you from the bottom of my heart but not from the gifts. Ten thousand roses cannot take the place of my love for you. I will use all my life to love you, to protect you. Marry me, please! There is no ring, no necklace, but I he faith and passion to love you. I he great faith in that you are the best choice for me. You are my all life honey. Trust me, my dear. You and I should not be regretful.” “I love you, too!” Several drops of beautiful tears fell dawn Hujin's face from her eyes. No words else are needed. Kissing is go on… Let's fet the misunderstanding and embarras *** ent and remember the love forever!。

4. 用高一英语必修三第四单元大约一半的单词写一篇100到120字的作文

In spite of the rapid growth of economy and technology, our environment has been seriously polluted. It is mainly because there has been a vast amount of trash. The reasons why we he more and more trash are as follows. First, the number of people who produce trash is on the increase. Second, we do not he enough space to he garbage dumped. Third, a lot of rubbish which can be reused than thrown away by people.

Here are several ways we can use to help decrease the amount of trash. First, we should get the public re-educated and let them know the fact that trash pollutes our environment and is harmful to our health. Second, we suggest our enact strict laws to crack down upon people who litter garbage here and there. Third, we can call on our neighbors to reuse as many things as they he used as possible. Thus, we can he a cleaner environment to live in.

5. 普通高中英语阅读训练必修3第三单元作文翻译

I like English so much that I am going to be an English teacher when I grow up.Up to now I he learned English for five years.Now let me tell you how I learn it.First of all, I listen to my teacher carefully and use a notebook to take notes in class.Second,I keep reading and speaking English every day.Third,when I don't know a new word,I look it up in the dictionary.Fourth,I go to the English corner once a week .Finally,I often listen to some English songs and watch English films。

6. 高中英语必修三第三单元The millon pound bank note 根据这个主题写

Hing not a penny in hand, the American named Henry Adams arrived in London by accident. Meanwhile, the o millionaires Roderick and Oliver were betting on whether a people with a million pounds only can live in London for a month. Consequently, they pitched on Henry to make an experiment. Henry went into a restaurant with an envelope with the money inside, given no notice at first, Henry got a hot ingratiation after the shop assistant and shopkeeper realized that the poor-looked man had lots of money.。


高考全国一卷英语试卷结构由四部分组成,试卷总分150分,第一部分听力(30分,共两节,计入总分);第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) ,第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) ,第二部分阅读理解(包含阅读和七选五。





文章标签: # 英语 # 高考 # 必修