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tamoadmin 2024-05-18 人已围观

简介Notification?of?Acceptance不知道对不对,反正南京工业大学研究生录取通知书上是这么写的。呵呵个人认为前面加个graduate也可PS:不是我的通知书哦I am very pleased to know that you have been enrolled by Harvard University. Congratulations.It must be one of th






I am very pleased to know that you have been enrolled by Harvard University. Congratulations.

It must be one of the most famous universities in USA, as to my knowledge. I hope you can have a brighter future. What major are you studying? And how do you like the University?

I am now studying in Qinghua University in Beijing. I am studying Phycology Science. I am going to work in Beijing after my graduation, as you know the city is the capital of China, and there will be always more opportunities. I like the city.

文章标签: # 通知书 # you # the