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tamoadmin 2024-05-19 人已围观

简介高考改革1、 高考命题杜绝繁难偏旧,基本以2013年的试题难度为标准;2、 2016年,英语将正式退出高考(也就是6月7、8两天将没有英语考试),但是学生的会考成绩计入高考总分(A等100分,B等85分,C等70分),学生可以多次报考会考,最终以最好成绩为准;3、在2016年之前,高考英语分值逐年降低:2015年,英语120分,相应的, 语文将提高到180分;2016年,英语100分(会考),语文


高考改革1、 高考命题杜绝繁难偏旧,基本以2013年的试题难度为标准;2、 2016年,英语将正式退出高考(也就是6月7、8两天将没有英语考试),但是学生的会考成绩计入高考总分(A等100分,B等85分,C等70分),学生可以多次报考会考,最终以最好成绩为准;3、在2016年之前,高考英语分值逐年降低:2015年,英语120分,相应的, 语文将提高到180分;2016年,英语100分(会考),语文提高到200分;4、除了少数民族加分政策以外,其它加分政策都将取消改革,从英语破冰:  最近,从中央到地方,都将英语作为改革的突破口,纷纷推出新举措。  今年3月,教育部提出2013年将研究提出高考英语一年多次考试实施办法,高考考试改革将从英语破冰。  江苏省,2016年英语将退出高考统考,实行一年两考,以等级形式计入高考成绩,高校录取时将对英语等级提出要求。  山东省,2014年外语考试中的听力考试暂不纳入夏季高考统一考试。在英语听力考试中,将取考生在高中学业水平考试外语科目听力成绩中最好的一次,单独记入考生电子档案。  北京,从2016年起高考英语分值变为100分,一年考两次,成绩三年有效,小学一、二年级不再开设英语课。  此外,云南、浙江、天津等地也已在高考英语听力测试时,率先尝试外语一年多考。

written exercises书面练习

A Rewrite these sentences.



Please repair it. I want you to repair it.

1 Please spell it.

2 Please telephone him.

3 Please wear it.

4 Please ask her.

5 Please tell them.

6 Please help us.

B Write questions and answers.



Type it again!

What do you want me to do? I want you to type it again.

1 Carry it!

2 Correct it!

3 Listen to it!

4 Describe it!

5 Move it!

6 Try it!

7 Finish it!

8 Keep it!

C Rewrite these sentences.



Don't type it again! (He/her)

He is telling her not to type it again. He doesn't want her to type it again.

1 Don't hurt yourself! (She/him)

2 Don't slip! (She/him)

3 Don't fall! (She/him)

4 Don't miss it! (She/them)

5 Don't break it! (She/him)

6 Don't drive it!(He/her)

D Answer these questions.



Why is he speaking to her? (type it again) Because he doesn't want her to type it again.

1 Why is she speaking to him? (hurt himself)

2 Why is she speaking to him? (slip)

3 Why is she speaking to him? (fall)

4 Why is she speaking to them? (miss it)

5 Why is she speaking to him? (break it)

6 Why is he speaking to her? (drive it)


Lesson 106


1 I want you to spell it.

2 I want you to telephone him.

3 I want you to wear it.

4 I want you to ask her.

5 I want you to tell them.

6 I want you to help us.


1 What do you want me to do? I want you to carry it.

2 What do you want me to do? I want you to correct it.

3 What do you want me to do? I want you to listen to it.

4 What do you want me to do? I want you to describe it.

5 What do you want me to do? I want you to move it.

6 What do you want me to do? I want you to try it.

7 What do you want me to do? I want you to finish it.

8 What do you want me to do? I want you to keep it.


1 She is telling him not to hurt himself. She doesn't want him to hurt himself.

2 She is telling him not to slip. She doesn't want him to slip.

3 She is telling him not to fall. She doesn't want him to fall.

4 She is telling them not to miss it. She doesn't want them to miss it.

5 She is telling him not to break it. She doesn't want him to break it.

6 He is telling her not to drive it. He doesn't want her to drive it.


1 Because she doesn't want him to hurt himself.

2 Because she doesn't want him to slip.

3 Because she doesn't want him to fall.

4 Because she doesn't want them to miss it.

5 Because she doesn't want him to break it.

6 Because he doesn't want her to drive it.

文章标签: # to # it # want