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Text 1

W: What do you think we need to buy for our new kitchen?

M: We've got a fridge and a dinner table already. We need some chairs.

Text 2

M: I’d like to stay two nights, please

W: Do you want full board or half board?

M: What's the difference?

W: Full board includes all meals and half board includes just breakfast and dinner.

Text 3

M: Shouldn't we invite Cathy to the party tonight?

W: Invite Cathy? She’s the one who’s planning the whole thing.

Text 4

M: Did you say you were driving to town this morning?

W: Yes, I have to draw some money from the bank to pay my bookstore bills.

Text 5

M: What are you working on so hard?

W: An article for the newspaper. If I am late, it won’t get printed until next week.

Text 6

M: Excuse me, I think you’re in my seat.

W: Sorry, but it says 7A on my boarding card.

M: Oh, right, I asked for a window seat, you see.

W: Yeah, so did I. What’s your seat number?

M: Let’s see…oh, it’s 8A.

W: So I guess you’re in the seat behind me.

M: Oh, yes, sorry about that.

Text 7

M: Can I help you?

W: Yes, how much are these T-shirts?

M: They are $12.50 each.

W: I like the green one, but it isn’t big enough. Have you got a larger size?

M: Just a minute. No, I'm sorry we haven't. What about the black one?

W: No, it’s too dark. I prefer something lighter, yellow or pink.

M: How about the pink one?

W: Yes, that’s nice. I’ll take it.

M: That’s $.12.50 then, please.

W: Here you are.

Text 8

W: So how long have you been living in London?

M: Er, a couple of years. How long have you been working here?

W: Only a few months. I moved down here for the job. There was no work for me where I came from.

M: Where did you come from then.

W: I came from a small village called Arnside near Lancaster a year ago, hmm, there was nothing to do there. So I moved to London.

M: Do you enjoy working here in this restaurant?

W: Very much so.

Text 9

M: I'm sure you've noticed a lot of things that are different about our school.

W: Oh, Yes, in the United States we don’t have to carry a big schoolbag with us as you do.

M: Why is that?

W: We have a locker of our own which is a small box with a lock. We keep textbooks and our personal things in it. I just bring a day pack to school.

M: A day pack?

W: Yes, it’s a small bag that you carry on your back.

M: What do you carry in it?

W: My notebooks or a few books for homework.

M: That's convenient. Is there anything else you've noticed about our school?

W: Yes, I am surprised that everyone is so silent in class.

M: What do you mean?

W: Well, we usually ask questions about exams, homework or textbooks on the first day of the school year. The teacher likes such questions.

M: So you felt it different.

W: Yes, I expected to see a lot of discussions in class because we learn that way in the United States.

M: I see. That'll be a good topic for our school newspaper for the first month of the term. Nice talking with you. See you around. Bye.

W: Bye.

Text 10

W: Good morning, evrybody. Today for our writing class, we are glad to have Mr. Henry Stone with us, a well-known writer in this country. He’s going to share with us his writing experiences. Now, Henry, please tell us how you find so many interesting things for your stories.

M: Okay, I watch people a lot. I do that when I travel. I’ve been to many countries such as Britain, Italy and Sweden. So I spend a lot of time at airports. While waiting for my flights, I watch people passing by and start my imagination. For example, the other day when I was waiting for my flight for Greece, I saw a couple. They were buying magazines at that moment. They were not wearing business clothes but the man was carrying a suitcase. Every few seconds the woman looked around. I wondered if someone was following them. Perhaps they were running away and, you know this reminded me of a story in the newspaper that day. A bank clerk stole 1,000,000 pounds a week before and disappeared with his wife. There was a picture of them in the paper. The couple really looked like the thieves. Maybe I should stop them. Just then I saw them say goodbye to each other and the woman walked away. Well sometimes I make mistakes like that but I find things like that very useful for my writing.




1. W: Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. Next time it’s on me.

M: Don’t be silly.

W: I’m serious.

M: All right. Next time you treat.

2. M: What’s the chemistry homework Mr. Brown gave us today?

W: Just a minute. I’ll look it up in my notebook.

3. M: Did you listen to the weather report this morning, Helen?

W: Yes, it says we are going to have a wet weekend. We may get some very heavy rain in mountain areas.

M: That means we can’t go camping, but will have to stay in.

4. M: Hi, Maggie. I want all these books here.

W: That might be a lot for your dad to buy at one time.

M: My dad gets me all the books I want.

W: Well, that’s very nice of him.

5. M: Will you excuse me for a moment? I left my key in the car.

W: Certainly.



M: Bob Gordon speaking.

W: Hello, Bob. It’s Ann here. How’s everything?

M: Fine. How about you?

W: Oh, not so bad. Listen, I want to talk to you, Bob, about next Thursday. I hope you haven’t forgotten.

M: No, no. I’ve got it in my diary. Just look it up. Thursday, the14th, the meeting in Birmingham, don’t know when or where, though.

W: Right. That’s what Don White asked me to tell you. It’s in Birmingham at a quarter past eleven in the Rose.

M: The Rose Hotel?

W: Yes, the one opposite the park, Er, now you’ve got the time, right? 11:15, OK?

M: Yeah, fine, 11:15. I may be a few minutes late. There is a train from here at 8:10. I’ll take that one, which train are you getting?

W: I’m catching the 10:17. I get in at about 10:45.

M: OK. See you Thursday then. Cheer then.

W: Bye, Bob.


W: Meg, I’ve just got us tickets to Singapore.

M: That is just too exciting. So when do we set off?

W: The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon. So we need to set off for the airport at 11am.

M: Just let me write that down. So I don’t forget. So we leave at 11 am. Do we stop off anywhere on the way or is it a direct fight?

W: Well, there aren’t any direct flights. But we are very lucky. With these tickets we can stop off in Hong Kong. So we can stop and spend two days there on our way to Singapore.

M: You’re great. I always wanna go there. So we stop off in Hong Kong and just one more thing. When do we get back?

W: We’ll return home in 10 days’ time.

M: Wow, wonderful, I just can’t wait.


M: Have you booked a table, madam?

W: Yes, we’ve booked one for two. The name is Morrison.

M: Oh, yes, we have the table for you near the group. This way, please.

W: Group? What group? Oh, the music group, I suppose. I can’t stand the noisy places. Now where’s the menu?

M: It’s on the wall, madam, on the blackboard.

W: On the blackboard, indeed. I suppose you can’t afford proper menus.

M: I’m sorry, madam, but that’s what we always do.

W: I have such a busy afternoon in my office. If I weren’t so hungry, I would leave immediately.


W: How was the game, Bill? Did you enjoy it?

M: No, it was not interesting at all.

W: That’s too bad. Football games are usually exciting.

M: Not last night. Some of the players didn’t know what they were doing. In fact, one of them was just terrible.

W: Well, which team was the winner?

M: The Tigers, they won the game 3-1.

W: Were you happy about the score?

M: No, I cheered for the losers.

W: What about Eric and Steve? Which team did they support?

M: Well, Eric was for the Tigers, but Steve was for the Lions.

W: Then at least one of you liked the game.

M: Yes, all of us enjoyed eating something. I had a big box of popcorn and ice cream.


Hi, there, cow boys and cow girls. For a really exciting day in the Wild West, come to Cactus City Wild West Park. Yes, bring the children along to see a real old time pioneering town. Shoot guns and ride horses down the road. We’ll open April through September, seven days a week from10 am to sundown. Only 12 dollars for adults and 6 dollars for children or buy a family ticket at 24 dollars. What’s more, every Saturday and Sunday we have a real Wild West Show. Performances start at 2 pm and last for two and a half hours. That’s value for money. There are free buses to the park throughout the day every Saturday and Sunday from Cactus City Center. Yes, so we. There is a lot of fun waiting for all the family at Cactus City Wild West Park.



1. Who is paying the lunch now?

A. They share the bill B. The woman C. The man

2. Who are the two speakers?

A. Workers B. Students C. Teachers

3. What will the speakers do over the weekend?

A. Go camping B. Stay at home C. Climb mountains

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a bookstore B. On a bus C. At home

5. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Get his key B. Start the car C. Wait for him



6. Why does the woman call the man?

A. To tell him the time and place of a meeting.

B. To tell him how to get to Birmingham.

C. To tell him to visit Don White.

7. Which train is the woman taking?

A. The 10:17 B. The 10:45 C. 11:15


8. When is their flight?

A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening

9. Why do the speakers need to stop off in Hong Kong?

A. Direct flights are more expensive.

B. They plan to do some shopping there.

C. There are no non-stop flights to Singapore.

10. How long will the speakers be away from home?

A. Two days B. Ten days C. Twelve days


11. Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a concert hall B. In a restaurant C. In a theatre

12. How does the woman feel in the conversation?

A. Unhappy B. Curious C. Excited

13. What is the woman going to do next?

A. Start to work immediately B. Talk to the group C. Sit down to order


14. Why was Bill unhappy about the game?

A. Some players played poorly.

B. The scores were too close.

C. It lasted too long.

15. Who cheered for the Tigers?

A. Steve B. Bill C. Eric

16. What was the one thing Bill said he enjoyed?

A. His friends’ company.

B. Supporting his team.

C. Eating some food.

17. What do you know about the woman?

A. She knows Bill well.

B. She owns a restaurant.

C. She dislikes football.


18. What do you know about Cactus City Wild West Park?

A. A place to see cowboys and cowgirls.

B. A place for children to play in winter.

C. A fun place for the whole family.

19. When does the wild west show begin?

A. At 10 am weekdays.

B. At 2pm on weekends.

C. at 2:30 pm everyday.

20. When can people take free buses to the park?

A. On Saturdays and Sundays.

B. Throughout the week.

C. In the evening.





Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)


内 容:公共场所禁烟



目 标:所有室内公共场所无烟

措 施:张贴禁烟标志



(2)分 布:男性75%;女性:25%



二手烟:second-hand smoke










第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


In junior high school, one of my classmates, Eithan, was addicted to TV. This boy simply knew everything about such pop shows as Who’s the Boss?

Then one day Ethan’s mother made him an after in order to draw him back to his school subiects. She promised that she would give him $200 if he could go a full month without watching any TV. None of us thought Ethan could do it, but he did quit TV. His mom paid him $200. He went out and bought a TV, the biggest he could find.

In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out experiments with paying kids with cash for showing up or getting good grades. All school kids admire this trend. But it upsets adults. Teachers say that we are rewarding kids for doing what they should be doing of their own will.Psychologists warn that money can actually make lies perform worse by making the act of learning cheap. The debate has become a typical hattle over why our kids are not learning at the rate they should be despite decades of reforms and budget increases.














Last weekend ,I had an interview with eye-doctor Professor Wang about our country primary and middle student's short-sightedness.It is said that slightly more than 50% students,which ranks the No.1 in the world, are short-sighted.Professor Wang said the reason of short-sightedness is complicated and three is still no cure for short-sightedness.He suggestedthat we should not overuse our eyes and do more outdoor exercises.What's more,since the holding of pen has something to do with the short-sightedness,we need to pay attention to using the pen.


In order to be hugged or photographed by tourists, koalas do not have enough sleeping, which makes them angry. And now the forbids the touriststo take photo with the koalas

Should tourists take photos with animals?

Koalas in wildlife parks can’t fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them. The is thinking to make the tourists’ behaviour illegal to protect the animals.

When people are visiting wildlife parks, they like to take photographs with animals. Reasons for this are varied. Some people may think taking photos with animals are funny in contrast with taking photos with other persons. Others may think that it will be an interesting experience to take photos with animals during their visit.

I don’t agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with animals. Tourists pay for tickets to visit the wildlife park and it will be a pity for them if they can’t have a photo with an animal. Perhaps wildlife park can set some special time, during this time, tourists can take photos with animals. It can both satisfy tourists and protect the animals.



Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. The sport first appeared in 1896, but none were contested during the 1904 and 1928 Games. The sport returned to the Olympics in 1932. Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting in 1968. The sport has grown steadily from just three shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today.

2.读写任务(写题目是”Preparing Myself for College Life”的发言稿:150词左右)

Mike said it was tough to accomplish the general adjustment but he began to enjoy himself after that due to various activities. He advised freshmen to be active in order to make new friends.

As far as I am concerned, I’m preparing to enter a university and leaving the high school where I’ve been studying for three years. I really had a great time in this school where I grew from a na?ve kid to a grown-up. I think I will absolutely miss my life here and miss every single person that I met here. But in the meantime, I am looking forward to my new life in the college. I sometimes daydream that maybe I’ll bump into a handsome boy, have fire friendly roommates and be taught by a group of fabulous teachers. It would be wonderful if this ideal daydream come into reality!



Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows “parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, the percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his inventions have greatly changed our life.


Dear Daddy,

Tonight is your 50th birthday, and I haven’t really got the chance to say all of my thanks I want to tell you. I read your letter you wrote to me when I was born 18 years ago. You gave me the name “Ari” and hoped I would be brave and responsible to the sociality. I was so moved by your deepest love to me. And I love you too Daddy.

When I was a primary school student, you always encouraged me to do well in school and each evening. I was asked to present at least one new thing I had learned that day. You told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be, as long as I got good grades and continued my education.

Thanks for supporting me over the last 18 years of my life. I wish you a healthy body and a happy life. Love,


2006年广东英语高考范文:书面表达——描述今昔通讯方式的变化, 以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响(100词左右)

People used to communicate with each other through letters and public phones. But nowadays they use mobile phones and the Internet instead. This change in communication has good effects on our life and work. Compared with letters and public phones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient. If you miss your grandmother, you just take out your phonhe and say "hello" to her. If you want to place an order with a foreign company, you can e-mail the message, It’ll be a matter of minutes before you get their reply. Aren’t we living in a smaller world?





五个语音知识题中出现的词汇都是常见词语。选取了两个辅音字母“c, x”、一个元音字母及一个元音字母组合“i, ei”和一个半元音字母“y”来进行基本语音考查。基本上能涵盖完整的元辅音及组合元音字母发音的考查。从辨音难易度来看,第1、2和4小题读音区别度比较明显,考生不易失分。第3小题的迷惑度较大,再次就是第5小题具有一定的迷惑度,但相对第3小题来看,要容易得分。来看具体的试题及分析:


A. diary B. energy C. reply D. daily



A. twice B. medical C. perfect D. clinic



A.neighbour B.weigh C.eight D.receive



A. remind B. minister C. smile D. tidy

该题答案B。字母i读音/i/,其余排除项读音/ai/。对于minister“大臣, 牧师”一词,可能会有相当的学生不熟悉,但是,其余词汇是学生相当熟悉,对其发音很有把握的,因此,可用排除法做这道题。


A. experience B. examine C. excite D. explode

该题答案B。exist读音[i?’zist]。而其余选项的 “x”发音/ks/。



这一部分从词汇、词法、句法、句型、日常交际用语等方面全面检测学生的基础英语语言知识。总体来看,15道小题涵盖的知识点有:主语从句、不定代词用法(两道题)、时态、副词最高级、连词和分词搭配连用、形容词辨义、介词短语辨义、冠词用法、动词辨义、现在分词作宾补、定语从句、副词和形容词短语用法区别、日常交际用语和情态动词用法等。只要学生基础知识扎实全面,做绝大部分题是能够驾轻就熟的。其中,稍有难度考查学生能力的是第10题:All the dishes in this menu,otherwise stated, will serve two to three people. A.asB.ifC. though D.unless 考生需具备某些连词可以和分词搭配的知识,同时在整体理解这句话的意思的基础上要准确理解副词otherwise(另外,别样)和动词state(说明,声明)的意思,才能正确做出答案D. unless。还有第14题:What I need isbook that containsABC of oil painting. A. a; 不填B. the; 不填C. the; anD. a ; the 第二空的用法学生可能没见过,这就要根据全句话意义推断出此处的ABC意思是某一学科的基础知识,是特指,因此要用定冠词,由此答案是D。15题: If you leave the club, you will not beback in . A. receivedB. admittedC. turnedD. moved 欲答对此题,考生要有举一反三,灵活运用知识的能力。学生很熟悉be admitted into有被接纳、被招收、被录取的意思,这里admit是接收(入学)的意思,那么这道题中,admit就是准许加入(俱乐部,组织)的意思,答案是B。不难看出,考生不仅要有扎实全面的语言语用知识,而且要具备在已有知识基础上,根据语境和逻辑判断推知新知识,获取未知的语言用法的能力,只有这样才能有较强的竞争力,在单选题上得高分。


高考完型填空题多出记叙文,夹叙夹议文和议论文等文体。据多年的教学体会,学生看到讲述一个日常生活中发生的故事这样的文章,做起题来感觉容易,得心应手。但大多数夹叙夹议文和议论文,学生读起来会有不少困难,很难准确到位地理解某些语句甚至整篇文章的意思,因此,答题的正确率较低。此套题选用的是一篇夹叙夹议的励志文章:父亲喜爱的格言“try it!”(尝试!)对自己的思想和行为产生了潜移默化的影响。自己对职业的看法改变了。通过抓住每一个机会,不断尝试新的工作岗位,作者不断获得提升,取得了一个又一个成功。让作者深感惊讶的是,在这个过程中,他发现了自己以前从未意识到的蕴藏在体内的各种才能。读者自然会得到这样的启迪,只有不断树立新的目标,不断尝试,才能更大程度地发挥自身的潜能,从而拥有丰富多彩、充满意义的人生。这样的励志思想,也正是这篇完形材料在高考中要达到的教育目的。但是,该试题的难易度和前几年相比较而言,难度有所增加,相当考生不能清楚地理解文意。这道试题还有一定的难度区分,在一些选项上,会出现大范围的答题失误。比如:第一道21题就是一个不小的拦路虎。I couldn’t say I didn’t like21, whatever it might be,22I tried it. 21. A. everything B. somethingC. everybody D. somebody22. A. until after B. ever sinceC. so thatD. long before

对于22题,考生不难选出答案A。此句用了not...until句型,主句部分中say后的宾语从句里又含有一个whatever引导的让步状语从句。因此句意是:无论什么事情,直到尝试以后,我才能说我不喜欢它。答案应是B. something, 某件事情,正是it所指。第29题,I couldn’t have been more29. 29. A. careful B. mistaken C. interested D. prepared乍一看,根据上下文这个形容词似乎不难选出,但要正确理解句意,考生要能看出这是一个否定词和比较级连用表达最高级意思的结构,意为我是大错而特错了。第30和31题,I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity(机会)to30through the company into different31. 30. A. look up B. take upC. move up D. put up 31. A. situationsB. choicesC. directions D. positions 这里,要根据语境理解move up是升迁之意,而positions是职位的意思,因而答案分别为C和D. 还有第35、36题,I’ve discovered I35 a large number of different talents(才能)and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being36trying new opportunities. 35. A. show B. possess C. needD. gather36. A. lucky for B. slow atC. open toD. afraid of 这句话的难度在于句子较长且结构复杂,宾语从句中有一个定语从句,此外,定语从句用了虚拟语气,虚拟条件句中省略if用倒装句型,更加大了理解的难度。35题选项A是干扰项。全文主旨是只有勇于尝试,才能挖掘意想不到的潜能,不断取得成功。那么,前提是得拥有潜能。因此,此句中用possess(拥有)才是准确的,而不是show(表现出)。此句的完整意义是,我发现了大量的蕴含在我自身的才能,而要不是我乐意尝试新的机会,我永远是不会知道的。36题应选C. open to.欲在这样的几道题上拿分,考生需具备厚实的语言功底,如熟悉常见句型,会分析句子结构,分辨各种从句,看出语法结构,以及理解全篇,根据上下文语境和线索分析思考的能力。此外广泛大量的阅读和此类文体的专题训练是做好这类题型的金钥匙。完型填空题应该是这套题中考生感觉最难的,是能检测出他们的知识储备量和思维能力的。因此,这可以称得上是一个普通生和优秀生的分水岭。

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C篇阅读属于一篇对一项自然科学研究的报道――发现并报道一种可以暂时(两个月)脱离水域生活在美洲陆地的鱼(Mangrove Rivulus)的一些特性。这篇文章看似科学发现,但是文字简单,不妨碍绝大多数考生对整篇文章的完全清楚地理解。尤其是试题选项均可以在原文中找到直接句子即该题答案,比如49、50、51小题,都很容易在原文得出。


E篇是一篇旅游景点文笔风格的文章,描写了斐济这个国家的旅游资源比如:维提岛(Viti Levu),斐济第一大岛。最佳气候――仅仅5度的温度变化、各种运动、各种保留完美的土著传统等等的描写,更加突出了其旅游经典篇的风格。该篇文章文字也比较容易理解,试题设计基本没难度,只有57题有一定迷惑度,粗枝大叶,不够细心,对意群断句有困难的学生容易误答。





单词拼写题难度适中,其中72题的“shaved”和75题的“pillows”,在课堂教学的话题中和阅读文章中不常用常见,而其他词汇都是常用常见词。相当一部分学生感到困难的是区分不同词性单词的用法和单词的形式问题。其中,较难的有第68题, Many of his finest pictures are(悬挂)in the National museum.此处,应该用hang的现在分词还是过去分词,是令大部分考生迷惑的问题。如果hang当不及物动词用,有“悬挂,挂在墙上”之意,且多用一般现在时表状态,如Many of his finest pictures hang in the National museum. 所以,这里hang是及物动词,应用过去分词hung,谓语是个被动语态,表动作。第73题, John missed the game because of(幼儿园)in September. 学生对这个单词应用单数还是复数形式拿不准。关键在于准确理解句意,John因为九月上幼儿园而错过了比赛。此处应是go to kindergarten的意思。类似于go to school, in hospital, in prison 等结构里的名词抽象化,而非指具体的地方,因而既不用冠词,也不变复数。答案是kindergarten.单词拼写这个题型对大部分学生而言是失分率较高的,只有基本词汇掌握扎实熟练,基本语法知识全面的考生才能显现优势,独领风骚。这也是区分度很明显的题型之一。




今年这篇全国高考卷(不含听力)书面表达试题,要求为一位打算暑期来北京旅游的美国朋友写一封回信,简单介绍改建后前门大街的情况。命题难易度稳定,从细节表达和基础语言表达技能上看,略微增加一点繁琐度。但这篇书面表达尤其突出了生活气息和语言的交际实用性。从体裁上看,采用了往年惯用的设计即书信模式,更突出“实用”的交际原则,体现了 “稳定”的高考命题原则。从写作题材上来看,考生们会感受不到“奇”,但是要真正使用规范地道的语言完整清楚地表达出要求的内容,需要比较过硬的词汇、句型等语言运用能力。比如:数词的表达“800米的街道(this 800-metre street),有600多年的历史 (of over 600 years old)。还有介词的恰当应用,如“沿着”(along),“天安门广场南面”(to the south of Tian’anmen Square).乘车路线,17,69,59路汽车(Buses No.17,69or59),地铁2号线(Subway Line 2)”等等的表达对考生有一定难度。需要仔细注意这些表达方式,也要看考生平时积累,练习的功夫。并列连词的适时应用,如not only…but also,和句式的变化,如there be 句型,it’s convenient to do…句型,都能给行文添色不少,给短文带来亮点。由此可见,千万不能对书面表达题存有侥幸心理,贪图走所谓的捷径。综观历年出题涉及的主题包罗万象,千变万化,不一定是学生熟悉的话题,也非老师们所能猜到。要想拿到这宝贵的三十分,技压群芳,只能平时多阅读,重积累,勤练习,才能练就一身写作的深厚功夫,从而奠定高考英语获得成功的基础。书面表达是区分度最高的题型,它拉开了各层次水平学生的档次。


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英语高考,不单单是考英语语言的应用和理解,同时也在考查学生观察、分析、判断、综合、记忆、推理和想象的能力以及全面文化知识的水平。今年的完形填空,以原书面表达题形式变成完形填空。完形填空论述了社区服务(service learning)作为高中毕业生的必备条件的不同观点及其作者的个人态度,围绕“中学生参加社区社会实践活动利与弊的争议”展开论述,体现了“读书是学习,实践也是学习,而且是更重要的学习”这一主题,同时说明了一个道理:主动选择可以激励人们产生自由的感觉和责任的意识,作为中学毕业生,必须做出明智的选择。无论是题材还是体裁,既贴近学生实际,学生又熟悉文章结构,匠心独具。



高考作为一种选拔性考试,特别是今年的英语虽然有难题,但主要考的仍是基础知识和基本技能。基础的东西掌握好了,才可能把试卷中的中低档题做对,也才有可能攻克由诸项基础知识综合而成的难题。高考成绩的高低,主要取决于基础知识和基本技能的掌握,也可以说取决于中低档题的成功率。那种在总复习中一味追求难题、怪题,而忽视基础知识的落实与基本技能训练的作法,实在是与高考命题的主导思想背道而驰。 以上是笔者对今年高考试题的宏观认识,下面再就各题型作一粗略分析:










第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)


时间: 上周末

对象: 眼科医生(eye-doctor)王教授

主题: 我国中小学生近视(short-sightedness)问题

基本信息: (1)发生率: 略高于50%

(2)人数: 世界第一

专家解读: (1)原因: 很复杂

(2)治疗: 没有哪一种药物能治愈近视

(3)建议: 不要过度用眼;多参加户外活动

(4)特别提示: 如何握笔也和近视有关



1. 采访的时间、对象和主题;

2. 中小学生近视的发生率及人数;

3. 专家解读。





答案Last weekend, I had an interview with eye-doctor Professor Wang about our country primary and middle students’ short-sightedness. It is said that slightly more than 50% students, which ranks the No. 1 in the world, are short-sighted. Professor Wang said the reason of short-sightedness is complicated and three is still no cure for short-sightedness. He suggested that we should not overuse our eyes and do more outdoor exercises. What’s more, since the holding of pen has something to do with the short-sightedness, we need to pay attention to using the pen.








第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


Jackie is perhaps the most easily annoyed koala(考拉)at the Featherdale Wildlife Park in southern Australia. All the koalas there are unhappy and complaining. You would be too if you were used to night activities and someone kept waking you up all day while you were trying to sleep it off. That’s right—sleep it off. The average koala is always half asleep because it feeds on the leaves of a special kind that makes it sleepy.

The reason Jackie and her fellow koalas are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep is so they can be hugged and photographed by tourists,who make the trips to Featherdale and an increasing number of other national parks for just that special experience. Whatever department in the Aussie in charge of such things is now moving to make the practice illegal,which is understandable. How would you react,my friend,if you were trying to sleep off a dozen times and some round,furry creature smelling of grass kept waking you?

* 考拉即树袋熊


1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;

2. 然后以约120个词就“该不该禁止游客和动物拍照”进行议论,内容包括:





1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



答案The passage narrates that koalas who are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep are unhappy and complaining for tourists taking photos. The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals.

The reasons why tourists like taking photos of the animals in the zoo perhaps vary from people to people. Some think it a happy reminder of their visit to the zoo or the animals, while others may consider it just sort of fun to have. But anyway they may not share the deep feelings of the animals.

If I were in the same position as the animal in the zoo, my reaction would be very severe strongly against being photographed. No having peaceful surroundings to sleep, don’t you suffer restless and fidgets. No doubt we do and so do the animals.

I think it necessary to ban tourists’ taking pictures with animals, making a comfortable environment for them to live and regarding them as our friends, so as to found harmonious relations with animals.







全国高考英语试卷II完形填空翻译 在我成长过程中,爸爸最喜爱的一句话就是“试试!”不论可能是什么事情,在我还没有尝试之前,我是不会知道我会不会喜欢的。多年来,我渐渐明白了我的成功中有多少要归功于我对作为我人生价值之一的那句话的领会(接受)。我做过的第一项工作只不过是想先试两年,然后再决定自己想选择什么样的职业(道路)。其实我当时是想我将工作几年,结婚,(辞掉工作)呆在家中照看孩子,所以我并没有把我的工作太当回事儿。我真是大错而特错。我掌握了那个最低级别职务所需要的全部技能,因此我得到了机会升职到公司内部的不同岗位。我每接受一个新机遇时都会这样想:“好吧,让我来试试看;如果我不喜欢(它),我总可以再回到前一个工作岗位。”


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