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简介1.高考英语语法复习系列讲座-名词性从句2.09年高考英语的高频词组?3.高考英语语法:whatever,whoever,whichever引导名词性《高中英语语法-常见词缀归纳之一》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 常见词缀归纳之一 一. 常见的前缀 1.表示否定意义的前缀 1)纯否定前缀 a-, an-,







一. 常见的前缀



a-, an-, asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的)

dis- dishonest, dislike

in-, ig-, il, im, ir, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregular

ne-, n-, none, neither, never

non-, noesense

neg-, neglect

un- unable, unemployment


male-, mal-, malfunction, maladjustment(失调)

mis-, mistake, mislead

pseudo-, pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience


de-, defend, demodulation(解调)

dis-, disarm, disconnect

un-, unload, uncover


anti-, ant- antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的)

contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流)

counter-, counterreaction, counterbalance

ob-, oc-, of-, op-, object, oppose, occupy

with-, withdraw, withstand

2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀

1)a- 表示?在之上?,?向?

aboard, aside,

2)by- 表示?附近,邻近,边侧?

bypath, bypass(弯路)

3)circum-, circu-, 表示?周围,环绕,回转?

circumstance, circuit

4)de-, 表示?在下,向下?

descend, degrade

5)en-, 表示?在内,进入?

encage, enbed(上床)

6)ex-, ec-, es-, 表示?外部,外?

exit, eclipse, expand, export

7)extra-, 表示?额外?

extraction (提取)

8)fore- 表示?在前面?

forehead, foreground

9)in-, il-, im-, ir-, 表示?向内,在内,背于?

inland, invade, inside, import

10)inter-, intel-, 表示?在间,相互?

international, interaction, internet

11)intro-, 表示?向内,在内,内侧?

introduce, introduce

12)medi-, med-, mid-, 表示?中,中间?

Mediterranean, midposition

13)out-, 表示?在上面,在外部,在外?

outline, outside, outward

14)over-, 表示?在上面,在外部,向上?

overlook, overhead, overboard

15)post-, 表示"向后,在后边,次?


16)pre-, 表示"在前?在前面?

prefix, preface, preposition

17)pro-, 表示?在前,向前?

progress, proceed,

18)sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, 表示?在下面,下?

subway, submarine, suffix, suppress, supplement

19)super-, sur-, 表示?在?..之上?

superficial, surface, superstructure

20)trans-, 表示?移上,转上,在那一边?

translate, transform, transoceanic

21)under-, 表示?在?..下面,下的?

underline, underground, underwater

22)up-, 表示?向上,向上面,在上?

upward, uphold, uphill(上坡)

3. 表示时间,序列关系的前缀

1)ante-, anti-, 表示?先前,早于,预先?

antecedent, anticipate,

2)ex-, 表示?先,故,旧?

expresident, exhusband

3)fore-, 表示?在前面,先前,前面?

foreward, dorecast, foretell(预言)

4)mid-, medi-, 表示?中,中间?

midnight, midsummer



6)pre-, pri-, 表示?在前,事先,预先?

preheat, prewar, prehistory

7)pro-, 表示?在前,先,前?


8)re-, 表示?再一次,重新?

retell, rewrite

4. 表示比较程度差别关系的前缀

1)by-, 表示?副,次要的?

byproduct, bywork(副业)



3)hyper- 表示?超过,极度?

hypersonic(超声波), hypertesion(高血压)


outdo(超过), outbid(出价过高的人)


overeat, overdress, oversleep

6) sub-, suc-, sur-, 表示?低,次,副,亚?

subeditor, subordinate, subtropical(亚热带)

7)super-, sur- 表示?超过?

supernature, superpower, surplus, surpass


undersize, undergrown, underproduction(生产不足)

9)vice- 表示?副,次?

vicepresident, vicechairman

5. 表示共同,相等意思的前缀

1)com-, cop-, con-, cor-, co- 表示?共同,一起?。

connect, combine, collect, combat, coexist, co-operate

2)syn-, syl-,sym-,表示?同,共,和,类?

symmetry, sympathy, synthesis(合成)

6. 表示整个完全意思的前缀

1)al- 表示?完整,完全?alone, almost,

2) over-表示?完全,全?overall, overflow(充满)

3) pan-表示?全,总,万?panentheism(泛神论),panorama

7. 表示分离,离开意思的前缀

1)a- ab-, abs-,表示?分离,离开? away, apart, abstract, abstain

2)de- 表示?离去,处去?depart, decolour,

3)dis-, di-, dif-, 表示?分离,离开? divorce, disarm(缴械)

4)ex-, e-, 表示?离开,分离?expel, exclude, expatriate(驱出国外)

5)for- 表示?离开,脱离?forget, forgive

6)表示?离开?release, resolve

7)表示?分离,隔离?separate, seduce, select

8. 表示通过,遍及意思的前缀

1)dia-,表示?通过,横过?diameter, diagram,

2)per-, pel-, 表示?通,总,遍?perfect, perform, pervade(浸透)

3)trans-, 表示?横过,贯通?transparent, transmit, transport

9. 表示加强意思的前缀

a-, arouse, ashamed

ad-, adjoin, adhere( 粘着)

10. 表示变换词类作用的前缀

be-, befriend,

en-, enslave, enable, enrich

ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, adapt, accord, affix, aggression, arrive, assist, attend, attract, arrange, assign(委派)

11. 表示数量关系的前缀


mon-, mon-, monotone(单调),monopoly, monarch

uni-, un-, uniform, unicellular(单细胞)


ambi-, ambiguous, amphibian(两栖类)

bi-, bin- bicycle, di-, diode(二级管),

twi-, twilight

3)表示?十?deca, deco-, dec- deci-, decade, decimals


hecto-, hect-, hectometer,

centi-, centimeter

5)表示"千,千分子一? kilo-, kilometer


myria-, myri-, myriametre

mega-, meg-, megabyte

micro-, microvolt (微伏特)


multi-, mult-, multipmetre (万用表)

poly-, polysyllable,


hemi-, hemisphere

demi-, demiofficial

semi-, semiconductor, semitransparent

pene-, pen-, peninsula

12. 表示特殊意义的前缀 《高中英语语法-常见词缀归纳之一》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com












 冠词:a, an, the

 介词:in, on, at, with, as(作为), before, after, by, from, through, to, for等

 代词:one, another, other, both, none,I, we, you等人称


 (1) and, or, but,however (用于两个完整的句子之间)

 (2) that, which,who, whom, whose, when, where, why (引导定语从句)

 (3) that, whether,if, whose, which, who, what, when, where, how, why (引导名词性从句)

 (4) when, before,after, until, while, because, so, if, unless, although, as (引导状语从句)


 1. 缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词或名词(多考代词)

 例:She did not hesitate for long : although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a present which was bound to please( ). (2009年广东高考)


 2. 如果句子基本结构完整,名词前面无限定词(冠词、不定代词和形容词性物主代词),则设在该名词前的空格很大可能是填限定词。

 例:It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty (960?1279) was very anxious to help( )rice crop grow upquickly. (2008年广东高考)

 解析:名词rice crop前还没有限定词,应当填限定词;根据句意,这个急性子人当然是急于使“他的”禾苗长得快,故填形容词性物主代词his。

 3. 如果句子基本结构完整,名词或代词在句中既不作主语、表语,也不作动词的宾语时,其前面的空格通常是填介词。

 例:When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already ( )table having supper. (2009年广东高考)

 解析:分析句子知道名词table在句中不作主语、宾语,也不作were的表语,空格处应填介词,使table成为介词的宾语;根据having supper确定应填介词at,at table表示“在餐桌边,在进餐”,是固定搭配。

 4. 如果两个句子(即两个主谓结构)之间没有分号或句号,也没有关联词连接或引导,则填并列连词或从属连词。

 例: He was very tired from/after doing this for a whole day, ( ) he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher. (2008年广东高考)

 解析:两个句子间是逗号且无关联词连接,则空格处一定是填关联词;再根据前一句他感到very tired和后一句子的very happy得出前后为转折关系,确定填并列连词but。

 5. 和it有关的一些特殊句型也是判断纯填空题的一个重要技巧。


 例:She remembered how difficult ( ) was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.

 解析:分析句子可知,宾语从句中真正的主语是后面的不定式to choose?,空格处应填入作形式主语的it。

 (2)根据强调句结构:“It is/was+被强调部分+ that/who+句子剩下部分”,来判断空格处填it还是that。

 例: ? and ( )was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn?t eat MSG. (广州一模)



 将it is/was...与连接词去掉,句子仍然完整正确,就为强调句型。



 (1) 给出的提示词为动词时,考生应首先分析句子结构,判断该动词在句中是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,或者是否需要转换词性等,然后再具体解题。

 例: ? people stepped on your feet or ( ) (push) you with their elbows, hurrying ahead to get to a bargain. (2009年广东高考)



 例:Her mother was excited. “You father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane( ) (inform). (2009年广东高考)

 解析: 主句没有谓语,考时态和语态;根据文章意思可知Jane是“被”她母亲告知父亲决定戒烟的,确定应用一般过去时和被动语态,填was informed。

 (3)如果句子已有谓语动词,给出的动词提示词也不作并列谓语时,则考查非谓语动词,这时要根据句子所缺成分和非谓语动词各自用法特点,选择动词-ing 、动词-ed 和不定式,具体确定方法如下:


 例:For example, the proverb, “ plucking up a crop( )(help) it grow”, is based on the following story. (2008年广东高考)

 解析: 分析结构可知句子已有谓语is based,help在此为非谓语;根据句子意思,把禾苗拔高的目的是帮助它们长高,确定用不定式作目的状语,填to help。


 例:But Jane knew from her past experience that her( ) (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father.(2009年广东高考)




 考察形容词和副词的比较等级。一般来说,如果有表示范围的in/of介词短语,用最高级;than的前面要用比较级,但考生要特别注意的是,在特定语境中, “than+ 比较对象”和表示比较范围的of/in短语常常被省略。

 例:The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love. Nothing could be __39__(sweet)”.(2010年广东高考)

 解析: 由语境可知,这水是好心和爱的表现,没有什么比它更甜了,这是省略了than the water的隐性比较级,确定填sweeter。


 例:His teacher took a deep drink, smiled ( ) (warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. (2010年广东高考)

 解析: 修饰动词smiled要用warm的副词形式,确定填warmly。










 同时,整张试卷的时间分配也要有所讲究。150分满分,平时考七八十分的同学,CD两篇可适当加速,为其他题目留些时间。听力满分的同学,听力的第二遍建议你快速去做点单选语法填空。Be clever!









 五、无惧“没语感” 背下至少6篇完形


 六、答题技巧 善于利用选项分布

 几乎所有的标准化考试,选项都必须是平均分布的。如果我们在做题时,发现完形的选项出现了3377这种分布,铁定要把一些CD改成AB. 所以建议各位考生,遇到拿不准的选项,一定要有标记!否则太容易把对的改错了。一般来说,完形选项数量不会出现除了456以外的数字。

 七、取他山之石 攻写作


 八、完善知识结构 每天抄写文章


 九、坚持练字 提交清爽卷面







注: 1.特殊疑问句本身可以做从句,它不需要加连接词.

2.所有的从句要使用陈述语序. 陈述语序: 句子第一个词永远是主语;第二个词可能是情态动词\助动词等加上动词,或者是动词本身.




1、连接代词:who, whose, whom, what, which。有词义,在从句中担任成分,如主语、表语、宾语、或定语等。

2、连接副词:when, where, why, how。有词义,在从句中担任成分,作状语。

3、连接词:that, whether, if, as if, that



Who will go is not important.


It doesn’t matter so much whether you will come or not.


That he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised.


Is it true that he will be punished seriously by the headmaster?

Does it make any difference who bought these gifts?

How strange it is that these children are so quiet!

注意: 表示是否,只能使用whether.



The question was who could go there.


My idea is (that) we can get more comrades to help in the work.

注意: 表示是否,只能使用whether.



I hope (that) everything is all right.

2、介词之后的宾语从句,不可用which或if连接,要分别用what或 whether。

I’m interested in whether you’ve finished the work..

I’m interested in what you’ve said.




e.g. I wonder if it doesn’t rain.

②用if 会引起误解,就要用whether。

e.g. Please let me know whether you want to go.(此句如果把whether改成if,


③宾语从句中的whether 与or not直接连用,就不能换成if;不直接连用,可换。

e.g. I don’t know whether or not the report is true.

I don’t know whether/ if the report is true or not.

④介词后的宾语从句要用whether引导。whether 可与不定式连用。whether也可引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句,还可引导让步状语从句,以上均不能换成if。但引导条件从句时,只能用if,而不能用whether。

It depends on whether we have enough time.

They don’t know whether to go there.

Please come to see me if you have time. 状语从句

实用例句: 使用it作形式宾语

I thought it impossible that he could finish this job in just two hours.

He left it to my judgment whether we should continue this project.

注意: 形式主语和形式宾语只有一个替代词: it


同位语从句在句中作某一名词的同位语,一般位于该名词(如:news, fact, idea, suggestion, promise等)之后,说明该名词的具体内容。

I have no idea when he will be back.

The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody


1. China is no longer what it used to be.

2. The truth that the earth turn around the sun is known to all.

3. It was snowing when he arrived at the station.

4. How he persuaded the manager to change the plan is interesting to us all.

5. The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school.

6. The news that you told me yesterday was really disappointing.

7. That is where Lu Xun used to live.

8. He spoke as if he understood what he was talking about.

9. Do you remember the teacher who taught us English at middle school?

10. I wonder why she refused my invitation.

参考答案: 1、表语从句;2、同位语从句;3、不是;4、主语从句;5、同位语从句;6、不是;7、表语从句;8、宾语从句;9、不是;10、宾语从句


1. I can’t decide ____________ dictionary I should buy.

2. That’s ____________ he refused my invitation.

3. I am very interested in ____________ he has improved his pronunciation

in such a short time.

4. ____________ we need is more time.

5. The fact ____________ she had not said anything at the meeting

surprised everybody.

6. ____________ and ____________ they will meet has not been decided yet.

7. Please tell me ____________ you are waiting for.

8. Is that ____________ you are looking for?

9. Would you please tell me ____________ the nearest post office is?

10. I don’t know ____________ he will agree to the plan or not.

参考答案: 1. which; 2. why; 3. how; 4. What; 5. that; 6. when, where; 7. who(m); 8. what; 9. where; 10. whether


1. Do you see _____ I mean?

A. that B./ C. how D. what

key: D 宾语从句 that引导宾语从句无词义,也不作成分.mean是及物动词,必须有宾语.所以不选A; how是副词,也不能作mean的宾语.what I mean, what I did, what I said,等是一个非常重要的名词结构.

2. Tell me_____ is on your mind.

A. that B. what C. which D. why

key: B what is on your mind 是what名词结构.句意:告诉我你的心事.

3. We must stick to _____ we have agreed on.

A. what B. that C. / D. how

key: A

4. Let me see _____.

A. that can I repair the radio B. whether I can repair the radio

C. I can repair the radio D. whether can I repair the radio

key: B 从句使用陈述语序 注意选项C可以看成是省略了that的宾语从句,在语法上来讲它是正确的,但语义不通.

5. Keep in mind _____.

A. that the teacher said B. what did the teacher say

C. that did the teacher say D. what the teacher said

key: D what名词结构作keep宾语.

6. Could you advise me _____?

A. which book should I read first B. what book should I read first

C. that book I should read first D. which book I should read first

key: D

7. He was criticized for _____.

A. he had done it B. what he had done

C. what had he done D. that he had done it

key: B

8. Would you kindly tell me _____?

A. how can I get to the Beijing Railway Station

B. how I can get to the Beijing Railway Station

C. where can I get to the Beijing Railway Station

D. whether can I get to the Beijing Railway Station

key: B

9. Mrs. Smith was very much impressed by _____.

A. what had she seen in China B. that she had seen in China

C. what she had seen in China D. which had she seen in China

key: C

10. We took it for granted ___

A. that they were not coming B. that were they not coming

C. they were coming not D. were they not coining

key: A

11. I really don't know _____

A. I should do next B. what should I do next

C. what I should do next D. how I should do next

key: C

12. I'm afraid _____.

A. the little girl will have to be operated on

B. that will the little girl have to operate on

C. the little girl will have to operate on

D. that will the little girl have to be operated on

key: A

13. She walked up to _____ .

A. where did I stand B. where I stood C. I stood there D. where I stood there

key: B where I stood 我站的地方

14. Can you tell me _____?

A. who is that gentleman B. that gentleman is who

C. who that gentleman is D. whom .is that gentleman

key: C 陈述语序

15. We'll give you _____.

A. that do you need B. what do you need

C. whatever you need D. whether do you need

key: C whatever: 1. no matter what 表示让步,副词性 2. anything that ,名词性

如果一个副词性的疑问词加上ever后缀,它只具有副词性.如 whenever=no matter when; however 它是一个很特殊的词: 1.表示转折关系,副词,词义:然而 2.no matter how 无论怎么

16. They want us to know _____ to help us.

A. what can they B. what they can C. how they can D. how can they

key: B what they can (do), what作do的宾语.

17. We must put _____ into practice.

A. what we have learned B. that we have learned

C. that have we learned D. what have we learned

key: A

18. Did she say anything about _____?

A. that the work was to be done B. how was the work to be done

C. that was the work to be done D. how the work was to be done

key: D

19. He was never satisfied with _____.

A. what she had achieved B. had what she achieved

C. she had achieved D. that she achieved

key: A

20. These photographs will show you _____.

A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks like

C. how does our village look like D. how our village looks like

key: B

21. Peter insisted _____ he pay the bill.

A. on that B. what C. that D. on which

key: C insist 后面加that从句要用虚拟的形式: should+v, should可省略

22. They urged _____ the library open during the vacation.

A. when B. where C. why D. that

key: D 同上

23. We wish we could have learned _____ when we were at high school.

A. what you did B. that you had done

C. that what you did D. what did you do

key: A

24.1 will describe to you _____ I saw when there.

A. what B. that C. which D./

key: A

25. From _____ I should say he is a good worker.

A. what 1 know of him B. that I do know of him

C. what do I know of him D. that do I know of him

key: A

26. I will give this dictionary to __ wants to have it.

A. whomever B. anyone C. whoever D. someone

key: C any one who wants to have it

27._____ they will come here hasn't been decided yet.

A. What B. That C . When D. Where

key: C

28. _____ was said here must be kept secret.

A. Who B. The thing C. Whatever D. Where

key: C

29. It is still a question _____ we shall have our sports meet.

A. if B. that C. what D. when

key: D

30. I'm going anyway. _____ she will go is up to her to decide.

A. If or not B. Whether or not C. If D. That

key: B

31. It is strange _____ she have left without saying a word.

A. that B. what C. why D. how

key: A

32. It is very clear _____ our policy is a correct one.

A. what B. that C. why D. where

key: B

33. _____ Mr Zhang said is quite right.

A. That B. When C. What D. Whether

key: C

34. It has been decided _____ he will be sent there.

A. if B. whether C. why D. that

key: D

比较: It hasn't been decided whether he will be sent there.

35. It doesn't matter _____he' s come back or not.

A. if B. whether C. that D. when

key: B

36. It's a great pity _____ we won’t be able to finish the task on time.

A. when B. that C. why D. where

key: B

37. It happened _____ I wasn't there that day.

A. when B. why C. where D. that

key: D it happened that... 碰巧...

38._____ you have done might do harm to other people.

A. What B. That C. Which D. The things

key: A

39. _____ leaves the room last ought to turn oft the lights.

A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who

key: C anyone who

比较: who left the room last is being looked into.

40._____ the 2000 Olympic Games won't be held in Beijing is known to all.

A. Whether B. If C. Whenever D. That

key: D

41. _____ fails to see this will make a big mistake.

A. That B. Whoever C. Whether D. Whether or not

key: B anyone who

42. __ we need more equipment is quite obvious.

A. What B. Whether C. That D. Whatever

key: C

43. Has it been announced _____?

A. when are the planes to take off B. that are the planes to take off

C. where are the planes to take off D. when the planes are to take off

key: D

44. That is _____ we all support his idea.

A. what B. why C. where D. when

key: B

45. That’s _____ we should do.

A. that B. what C. how D. why

key: B

46. _____ is troubling me is _____ I don’t understand _____ he said

A. What; that; what B. What; what; what

C. That; that; what D. Why; that; which

key: A

47. Things were not _____ they seemed to be.

A. when B. why C. that D. what

key: D

48. That’s _____ I want to say.

A. all what B. what C. all which D. what that

key: B

49. That’s _____ .

A. where our differences lie B. our differences lie there

C. where do our differences lie D. that where our differences lie

key: A

50. That is _____ .

A. where lived he there B. where did he live

C. where he lived D. that where he lived

key: C

51. The questions is _____.

A. whether is it worth doing B. that if it is worth doing

C. whether it is worth doing D. if it is worth doing

key: C

52. Water will continue to be _____ it is today next in importance to oxygen.

A. how B. which C. what D. as

key: C

53. That's_____.

A. how did I become a teacher B. how I became a teacher

C. how a teacher I became D. that I became a teacher

key: B

54. They are just _____.

A. that what shall I have B. what shall I have

C. that I shall have what D. what I shall have

key: D

55. It looked ____.

A. as if it was going to rain B. that as if it was going to rain

C. as if was it going to rain D. as if that it was going to rain

key: A

56. That's_____.

A. how she did it B. that how did she do it.

C. how did she do it D. what she did it

key: A 注意选项D,多了一个词: it

57. That is _____ we decided to put the discussion off.

A. where B. which C. that D. why

key: D

58. That’s _____ I lived when I was ten years old.

A. where B. at which C. there where D. when

key: A

59. My suggestion is _____ we should send a few comrades to help them.

A. if B. that C. when that D. that where

key: B

60. The idea _____ all people are selfish is wrong.

A. what B. that C. why D. if

key: B

61. We heard the news _____ our team had won.

A. that B. what C. whether D. why

key: A

62. The fact _____ he hadn’t said anything surprised us all.

A. why B. if C. that D. whether

key: C

63.I have no idea _____ she will be back.

A. that B. where C. that when D. when

key: D

64. We must keep in mind the fact _____ China is still a developing country.

A. whether B. that C. why D. when

key: B

65. They have no idea at all _____.

A. where he has gone B. where did he go

C. where has he gone D. which place he has gone

key: A



1.abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。

2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在

3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉

4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on

5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地

9. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one’s accord with 同….不一致

10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地

11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

12. on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2)(=at one’s own risk) 自行负责 3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.

13. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去

14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.

16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.

17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.

20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

24. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外


 英语中的-ever 词主要包括 whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however 等,其中可引导名词性从句的主要有whatever, whoever, whichever。这里所说的名词性从句主要指主语从句和宾语从句,它们通常不用于引导同位语从句,同时也很少用于引导表语从句。如:

 Whatever he said was right. 无论他说什么都是对的。(引导主语从句)

 I don’t believe whatever he said. 无论他说什么我都不信。(引导宾语从句)


 What he wants to get is whatever you have. 他想得到的是你所拥有的一切。


 whatever的意思是“所……的一切事或东西”,可视为what的强调说法,其含义大致相当于anything that,whatever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语。如:

 Do whatever she tells you and you’ll have peace. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。

 I don’t believe in letting children do whatever they like. 我不赞成让孩子为所欲为。

 Goats eat whatever food they can find. 山羊找到什么食物就吃什么食物。


 whoever的意思“任何……的人”,在意义上大致相当于 anybody who。whoever在从句中可用作主语或宾语。如:

 I’ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。

 Whoever says that is a liar. 说那话的人是个骗子。

 She can marry whoever she chooses. 她愿意嫁谁就嫁谁。

 I’ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 谁想要这票,我就把它给谁。

 Tell whoever you like — it makes no difference to me. 你爱告诉谁就告诉谁吧,对我是无所谓的。



 误:Who wins can get a prize.

 误:Anyone wins can get a prize.

 正:Whoever wins can get a prize.

 正:Anyone who wins can get a prize.


 whichever的意思“……的那个人或事物”,在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that。whichever在从句中可用作主语、宾语或定语。如:

 You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。

 Whichever of you comes first will receive a prize. 你们谁第一谁就能得奖。

 We’ll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。

 Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。


 whatever, whoever, whichever除用于引导的名词性从句外,还可用于引导状语从句,分别相当于 no matter what, no matter who, no matter which。如:

 I’ll stand by you whatever [=no matter what] happens. 无论如何我都支持你。

 Whoever [=No matter who] wants to speak to me on the phone, tell them I’m busy. 不管谁要我接电话,就说我现在正忙。

 Whichever [=No matter which] you buy, there is a six-month guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保修期。

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