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简介1.高考英语阅读理解带答案2.英语学习资料:2015年高考英语同步训练之动词的时态和语态3.2013高考江苏英语数学 卷子4.2014年高考新课标全国卷2英语试卷答案!!!!!5.浙江高考英语阅读题附答案 高考英语阅读理解训练及参考答案  英语学习的重要性毋庸置疑,从小学到大学,以至于考研,考博,英语都占有很重要的地位。为了帮助大家学习英语,我分享了一些高考英语



3.2013高考江苏英语数学 卷子







 Schools across the world are trying to come up with creative solutions to keep students active. Some are replacing conventional classroom chairs with exercise balls or standing desks. At Ward Elementary School in Winston, North Carolina students have adopted an innovative program that entails(需要) riding bikes while reading.

 Scott Ertl came up with the idea while he was exercising and reading at the gym. Believing it would be a fun way to convince students to become more active, he placed one bike in the corner of his classroom and encouraged them to use it during independent reading sessions.

 It was so popular that Ertl decided to add more bikes and offer the Read and Ride program to the entire school. Today Ward Elementary School has a special exercise room filled with bikes that can be used by students while completing their daily reading assignments.

 Besides making reading more fun, the program also helps students exercise at a comfortable pace without the pressure that comes with regular sports-related activities. It is also a perfect way to release pent-up energy during days when the weather is not conducive to outdoor activities.

 Most importantly, however, are the program?s academic benefits. A year after Read and Ride was introduced at Ward Elementary School, students actively involved in the program demonstrated an astounding 83% reading proficiency(能力). Those who had not taken advantage of the exercise bikes tested at a much lower, 41%.

 Though the improvement in academic achievement cannot all be attributed to(归因于) programs like Read and Ride, experts believe they are a significant contributor. That?s because studies have shown that physical activity stimulates brain cells and helps prepare it for learning. As word of the difference made by this easy-to-execute exercise program spreads, don?t be surprised to find schools across the country adopt "Read and Ride" for their students.

 5. What does Scott Ertl do according to the passage?

 A. An expert. B. A coach.

 C. A teacher. D. A bike maker.

 6. Which of the following is the most important benefit of "Read and Ride"?

 A. Making students interested in reading.

 B. Helping students build up their body.

 C. Having students? riding ability improved.

 D. Contributing to improving students? reading ability.

 7. What can be inferred from the passage?

 A. Schools all over the USA will adopt "Read and Ride" soon.

 B. Ward Elementary School hasn?t adopted the Read and Ride program.

 C. Students in Ward Elementary School created the Read and Ride program.

 D. The improvement of students? reading ability completely results from "the Read and Ride program".

 8. The author?s attitude towards the Read and Ride program may be described as _______.

 A. disapproving B. positive C. negative D. doubtful

 答案5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B


 Growing plants in the classroom is an excellent way to get students excited about science!

 Start with seeds(种子)in the classroom. 36 They can do this by putting seeds or beans in wet paper towels and then in a clear plastic bag. The seeds should begin coming out in a few days, which can give the students an idea of what is happening underground when plants begin to grow.

 Continue with seeds in the classroom. At the same time as the seeds are beginning to come out, plant the same type of seeds in soil. 37 They can also predict how long it will be before the seeds come out and are seen above the soil.

 __38 A quick Internet search should let you know which plants are native to your area. This can connect the plant-growing in the classroom with natural history and other social studies lessons. Also, after growing the plants in your classroom, you can take the students on field trips to see where the plants grow naturally.

 Explore the needs of plants. 39 You can know what they actually need by growing plants in the classroom and making observations along the way.

 In all, growing plants in the classroom is sure to be an exciting science lesson. 40 They can train their creativity with their own gardens!

 A. What do plants need to stay alive?

 B. Grow native plants in your classroom

 C. Try to start an outdoor garden in your school

 D. Carrots and tomatoes can be grown easily

 E. Students of all ages learn more knowledge from growing things

 F. Students can learn about what exactly is happening under the soil.

 G. For very young children, it is exciting just to see the seeds come out.


 When it comes to health, it seems that sitting too much may be as bad for you as smoking. A study suggests that you should get an hour of exercise every day.

 Researchers say the exercise can help office workers reduce the risk of an early death. Many office workers spend much time seated. A lack of physical activity is linked to some 5.3 million deaths worldwide each years.

 Ekelund says, ?For many people there is no way to escape sitting for a long time. But we pay attention to the importance of getting exercise.? Ekelund suggests going for a run in the morning, riding a bicycle to work, or taking a walk in the middle of the work day. But if this is not possible, he suggests doing at least some exercise each day to reduce the risk of disease and an early death.

 For the study, researchers looked at 13 earlier studies on effect of inactivity. People were grouped according to the amount of activity they reported-from less than 5 minutes a day to up to 75 minutes a day.

 The study found that those who sat for eight hours a day but got the suggested amount of exercise reduced their chances of dying at an early age. These people did better than those who sat less but were not active.

 Ekelund says, ?There has been a lot of concern about the health risks.? He adds, ?It is possible to reduce these risks if we are active enough, even without taking up sports or going to the gym.?

 32. From what Ekelund says we can learn that______

 A. A bit of exercise is of no value

 B. most people can?t escape sitting for a long time

 C. proper physical activity is good for people?s health

 D. we all often do sports when at work

 33. What can be inferred from the text?

 A. Eight hours of sitting a day is a proper amount of activity

 B. There were studies about the connection between inactivity and health

 C. Exercising can prevent people from dying

 D. The more we exercise, the less healthy we are.

 34. What may be the best title for the text?

 A. Smoking is bad for people?s health

 B. Many office workers die at an early age

 C. Exercise is good for people sitting too much

 D. Avoiding sitting in the office is very necessary

 35. Where is the text most probably taken from?

 A. A textbook B. A guidebook

 C. A fashion magazine D. A news report

 答案 32-35CBCD




各省的 style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">英语学习资料:2015年高考英语同步训练之动词的时态和语态


 Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a tops. The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer — Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.

 1. Over a century ago, Mauritius _______.

 A. was an independent country

 B. belonged to India

 C. was one of the British colonies

 D. was a small island in the Pacific Ocean

 2. The mistake on the stamps was made _______.

 A. in Mauritius

 B. at Mauritius Government House

 C. in a post office

 D. in London

 3. Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for _______.

 A. fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds

 B. twelve Two Penny Blues

 C. one One Penny Orange-Red

 D. one Two Penny Blue

 答案与解析 本文讲述的是本来不值钱的邮票由于印刷错误却使其价值倍增。

 1. C。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句… more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean可知答案为C。

 2. A。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius可知答案选A。

 3. D。事实细节题。根据文章最后一句Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it 可知答案为D。




 Wh-特殊问句; From the text…,According to…,True/not true,划线词语、句子,简单计算、排列事件顺序、识图等。





 文章为了表达得准确严密,很注意对范围的限定。有的是通过加上相应的词语限制,如涉及到数量时常用many,almost all,nearly,more than,over,only a few,normally等限制。有些干扰项是通过改变或去掉限定词语,甚至是扩大或缩小了语言范围。







 What' s the topic/subject of the text/the second paragraph?

 What is stated in…? The text is cheifly concerned with_______。









 The story suggests that___________. It can be inferred that_____________.

 The story implies that _____________. It can be concluded that __________.

 We can learn that _______________.









 ②利用语境及逻辑关系猜词。有时完全可以利用上下文语境和前后句之间的并列、因果、转折、对比、解释定义和举例等关系来猜测词义。同时特别留心某些词语,例如:or, that is, in other words, including, although, but, or, even if, on the other hand, on the contrary, other than, rather than, more than, instead of等词语之后的内容。

2013高考江苏英语数学 卷子




1. “What do you want to be?” asked Mrs. Crawford. “Oh, I ______ president,” said the boy, with a *** ile.(湖南)

A. have been B. am

C. was D. will be

2. Around two o'clock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat ______ us.(湖南)

A. bothers B. had bothered

C. would bother D. bothered

3. If nothing ______, the oceans will turn into fish deserts.(湖南)

A. does B. had been done

C. will do D. is done

4. — Have you heard about the recent election?

— Sure, it ______ the only thing on the news for the last three days.(湖南)

A. would be B. is

C. has been D. will be

5. — I don't understand why you didn't go to the lecture yesterday afternoon.

— I'm so sorry. But I ______ my homework. (湖南)

A. had done B. was doing

C. would do D. am doing

6. Shakespeare's play Hamlet ______ into at least ten different films over the past years. (北京)

A. had been made B. was made

C. has been made D. would be made

7. — Do you think Mom and Dad ______ late?

— No, Swiss Air is usually on time.(北京)

A. were B. will be

C. would be D. have been

8. Hurry up! Mark and Carol ______ us.(北京)

A. expect B. are expecting

C. have expected D. will expect

9. — So what is the procedure?

— All the applicants ______ before a final decision is made by the authority. (北京)

A. interview

B. are interviewing

C. are interviewed

D. are being interviewed

10. We ______ very early so we packed the night before.(新课标Ⅱ)

A. leave B. had left

C. were leaving D. have left

11. If we ______ now to protect the environment, we'll live to regret it. (新课标Ⅰ)

A. hadn't acted B. haven't acted

C. don't act D. won't act

12. When I first met Bryan I didn't like him, but I ______ my mind.(新课标Ⅰ)

A. have changed B. change

C. had changed D. would change

13. I ______ to visit you later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.(江西)

A. e B. came

C. am ing D. was ing

14. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he ______ it for a very long time. (辽宁)

A. has had B. had had

C. has D. had

15. We are confident that the environment ______ by our further efforts to reduce pollution.(辽宁)

A. had been improved

B. will be improved

C. is improved

D. was improved

16. I didn't think I'd like the movie, but actually it ______ pretty good. (山东)

A. has been B. was

C. had been D. would be

17. — Oh no! We're too late. The train ______.

— That's OK. We'll catch the next train to London. (山东)

A. was leaving B. had left

C. has left D. has been leaving

18. The famous musician, as well as his students, ______ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.(福建)

A. were invited

B. was invited

C. have been invited

D. has been invited

19. The girl has a great interest in sport and ______ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.(福建)

A. took B. is taking

C. takes D. has been taking

20. Generally, students' inner motivation with high expectations from others ______ essential to their development.(江苏)

A. is B. are

C. was D. were

21. — Could I use your car tomorrow morning?

— Sure. I ______ a report at home.(江苏)

A. will be writing B. will have written

C. have written D. have been writing

22. — What about your self?drive trip yesterday?

— Tiring! The road is being widened, and we ______ a rough ride.(江苏)

A. had B. have

C. would have D. have had

23. On Monday mornings it usually ______ me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles. (陕西)

A. takes B. is taking

C. took D. will take

24. Jim ______ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank.(陕西)

A. watched B. had watched

C. was watching D. would be watching

25. Hurry up, kids! The school bus ______ for us!(四川)

A. waits B. was waiting

C. waited D. is waiting

26. The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers ______ one of the main pipes.(天津)

A. had repaired B. have repaired

C. repaired D. are repairing

27. During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs ______ sharply.(浙江)

A. was increasing B. has increased

C. had increased D. will be increasing

28. I felt very tired when I got home, and I ______ straight to bed.(重庆)

A. go B. went

C. had gone D. have gone

29. A Midsummer Night's Dream ______ at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland.(重庆)

A. opens B. is opened

C. will open D. will be opened

30. I'm calling about the apartment you ______ the other day. Could you tell me more about it?(安徽)

A. advertised B. had advertised

C. are advertising D. will advertise


31. Mr. Black ______ for Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane ______ on Sunday?(中原名校联盟高三上期第一次摸底考试)

A. leaves; takes off

B. leaves; is taking off

C. is leaving; is taking off

D. is leaving; takes off

32. The shoes are of high quality and ______ long.(中原名校联盟高三上期第一次摸底考试)

A. wore B. are worn

C. wear D. will be worn

33. Yesterday afternoon, I ______ basketball with my clas *** ates for two hours.(耒阳二中高三第一次月考摸底考试)

A. play B. played

C. have played D. had played

34. Over the past decades, sea ice ______ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.(黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学高三第一次月考)

A. had decreased

B. decreased

C. has been decreasing

D. is decreasing

35. Mr. White ______ his racing bicycle by himself yesterday, but I'm not sure whether it is ready.(衡阳市第八中学高三上期第二次月考)

A. repaired B. had repaired

C. was repairing D. would repair

36. It was reported that an agreement ______ between the two panies and that they would carry out a project together.(衡阳市第八中学高三上期第二次月考)

A. reached B. had been reached

C. was reached D. has been reached

37. Our new English teacher, who is said to have moved back to China, ______ in America for almost ten years.(安庆市望江中学高三上期期中考试)

A. lived B. has lived

C. was living D. had lived

38. He ______ football regularly for many years when he was young.(桂林市十八中高三上期第三次月考)

A. was playing B. has played

C. played D. had played

39. — How did you catch the thief?

— Well, he ______ some goods into his bag when I came around a corner in the shop. So I caught him.(吉林市普通中学高三开学摸底考试)

A. was putting B. was put

C. have put D. had put

40. — Dear me! I ______ you at first sight! But you do have changed a lot!

— Nor ______ I! You are no longer the Fat Girl! (淮安市清江中学高三上学期第一次月考)

A. haven't recognized; have

B. hadn't recognized; had

C. don't recognize; do

D. didn't recognize; did

41. — Hi, Michelle,I can't find my e?dictionary.

— Sorry, I ______ it. I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things.(江西省红色六校高三上学期第一次联考)

A. had used B. used

C. was using D. am using

42. There are frequently reports of accidents as fireworks ______, stored or transported. (辽宁省瓦房店高级中学高三10月月考)

A. have been made

B. are being made

C. were made

D. have made

43. — Mr. Harry, we want to hear what you think about the reform being carried out in our school.

— OK, I ______ to that.(潍坊市潍坊一中高三上学期10月份阶段性检测)

A. am ing B. have e

C. came D. e

44. Since Jack was laid off from his job three months ago, he ______ a new one, but without luck.(潍坊市潍坊一中高三上学期10月份阶段性检测)

A. looked for B. had looked for

C. is looking for D. has been looking for

45. Rain and high winds today ______ to take the place of yesterday's mild conditions.(烟台二中高三10月月考)

A. expect B. are expected

C. are expecting D. has expected

46. She gave me half, and ______ the other half for her hu *** and.(枣庄市滕州一中高三10月第一次单元测试)

A. kept B. had kept

C. keeps D. will keep

47. The puters made by our pany sell best, but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they ______. (西安市长安区一中高三上学期第一次模拟考试)

A. were playing B. were to play

C. had played D. played

48. — You've left the light on.

— Oh, so I have. ______ to turn it off.(福建省德化一中高三上学期第二次质检)

A. I'll go B. I've gone

C. I go D. I'm going

49. Japan's economy ______ in the past twenty years. No one knows how long it ______ before it regains its increase.(成都七中高三上学期期中考试)

A. has been declining; will be

B. has declined; would be

C. had been in decline; would take

D. was on the decline; will take

50. The news came as no surprise to me. I ______ for some time that the factory was going to shut down.(泸州市泸县第九中学高三上学期第一次诊断模拟考试)

A. knew B. know

C. have known D. had known


1. The play which ________________ (produce) next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

2. Please do me a favor — ________________ (invite)my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.

3. The plans to bring in new laws which ________________ (force) parents to take more responsibilities for the education of their children.

4. A *** all plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city and ________________ (kill) all four people on board.

5. There is a great deal of evidence which ________________ (indicate) that music activities engage different parts of the brain.

6. Michael's new house is like a huge palace, if it ________________ (pare) with his old one.

7. — Why does the lake *** ell terrible?

— Because large quantities of water ________________ (pollute).

8. According to the literary review, Shakespeare ________________ (make) his charities live through their language in his plays.

9. Would you please keep silent? The weather report ________________ (broadcast) and I want to listen.

10. — The food here is nice enough.

— My friend ________________ (introduce) me a right place.

11. — What is the price of petrol these days?

— Oh, it ________________ (rise) sharply since last month.

12. His sister left home in 1998, and ________________ (hear of) since.

13. The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________________ (rise) steadily since 1990.

14. I was out of town at the time, so I don't know exactly how it ________________ (happen).

15. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, ________________ (visit) Beijing next summer.

16. Mary went to the box office at lunchtime, but all the tickets ________________ (sell) out.

17. — What do you think of the movie?

— It's fantastic. The only pity is that I ________________ (miss) the beginning of it.

18. She stared at the painting, wondering where she ________________ (see) it.

19. — I've got to go now.

— Must you? I ________________ (think)you could stay for dinner with us.

20. Progress ________________ (be) so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time.

21. The population of Jiangsu ________________ (grow)to more than twice what it was in 1949. The figure is now approaching 74 million.

22. — Good morning, Terry, can I use your puter for a while this afternoon?

— Sorry. It ________________ (use).

23. — Ann is in hospital.

— Oh, really? I ________________ (not know). I ________________ (go) and visit her.

24. Great changes ________________ (take) place at the end of the 1980s.

25. Great changes ________________ (take) place since the end of the 1980s.

26. Great changes ________________ (take) place by the end of the 1980s.

27. When I last saw her, she ________________ (read) Harry Potter.

28. When the meeting ________________ (begin),please e and take some notes. I think you know when the meeting ________________ (begin).


Ⅰ.1. D 根据问句:你想当什么?可知时态为一般将来时态,故答案选D。

2. A 根据标志词every night及意识到句中will表示一种习惯性动作,故使用一般现在时态。

3. D nothing与do之间为被动关系,只能选B、D;主句用一般将来时态可知,条件状语从句使用一般现在时态表示将来。故答案选D。

4. C 根据标志词for the last three days用现在完成时态,故答案选C。

5. B 根据语境,没去听课,是因为“在”做作业,用进行时。时间状语是“yesterday afternoon”所以用过去进行时态,故答案选B。

6. C 根据标志词over the past years应使用现在完成时态。

7. B 句意:你认为父母会迟到吗?故答案选B。

8. B 根据Hurry up!可知,Mark和Carol正在等我们。故选B,现在进行时态。

9. C applicants与interview之间为被动关系,用被动语态;且句子描述一般情况,用一般现在时态。故答案选C。

10. C 句意:我们会很早离开,所以我们前一天晚上就打好包了,故使用过去进行时表过去将来的动作。故答案选C。

11. C 主句用一般将来时态,从句应使用一般现在时态,故答案选C。

12. A 句意:第一次见到Bryan时我不喜欢他,但现在我已经改变我的想法了。

13. D 句意:我那天本要去看你,但我不得不打电话取消, e的过去进行时态表过去将来。

14. B 句意:“卖”用sold,一般过去时, “拥有”是 “卖”之前的事,故用过去完成时态。

15. B 句意:我们充满信心……,证明此事还未发生,故使用一般将来时态,故答案选B。

16. B 句意:我认为我不会喜欢这部**,而实际上这是部相当好的**。根据上下时态一致,用一般过去时态陈述过去的事实。

17. C 句意:——我们太晚了,火车已经离开。——没关系,我们可以赶下一趟火车去伦敦。“已经离开”用现在完成时。

18. B as well as之前的musician为句子主语, 对应谓语使用单数;再根据标志性词语at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo可知应使用一般过去时态。故答案选B。

19. D 根据标志词over the last three years 可知答案为D。

20. A 主语为motivation,故谓语为单数;根据语境及generally可知,描述的为一般情况,故使用一般现在时态,故答案选A。

21. A 句意为:——明天早上我可以用下你的车吗?——当然。我那时将会在家写报告。将来进行时态,表示将来的某一时间段正在发生的动作。故答案选A。

22. A 句意:我们昨天的自驾旅行是一次颠簸的旅行。故选一般过去时态。

23. A 根据标志词on Monday mornings,usually可以判断应用一般现在时态。故答案选A。

24. C 固定句型:was/ were doing sth. when…意为:正在做某事的时候,突然……。故答案选C,表示这一动作在过去一直在进行。

25. D 句意:快点,校车正在等我们。用现在进行时态,故答案选D。

26. D 句意:暂时断水了,因为工人在修一个主管道。根据句意,选现在进行时态。

27. B 根据标志词during the last three decades,用现在完成时态,故答案选B。

28. B 根据上下时态一致原则,and前后都应使用一般过去时态。

29. A 句意:《仲夏夜之梦》于6月19日在皇家剧院首映,然后在苏格兰各地巡回演出。根据上下时态一致原则,and前后时态一致,根据tours可知,and后也用一般现在时态。open在句中表示开演,用主动。

30. A 句中the other day为标志词,应用一般过去时。

31. D 第一空in a few days几天后用于一般将来时。第二空时刻表的动作用一般现在时表示将来。所以选D。

32. C 句意:鞋子质量好而且穿得久(耐穿)。事物的特征用一般现在时态的主动语态,所以选C。

33. B yesterday afternoon为一般过去时的标志词,所以选B。

34. C over the past (last) decades 为现在完成时的标志词,所以只有C正确。

35. C 根据上下文“我不知道他修好没有”,所以选过去进行时表示“昨天他在修自行车”。

36. B 根据上下文“两个公司之间已达成协议”,用完成时表示“已经”。另外,主句是一般过去时。所以从句相应用过去完成时。

37. A 根据上下文,老师现在已经搬回中国了,生活在美国是过去的经历,用一般过去时态。故答案选A。

38. C when he was young是具体的过去时间,所以用一般过去时态。故答案选C。

39. A 根据上下文,“当我到商店的时候,他正把东西放进口袋”,所以用过去进行时态,故答案选A。

40. D 第一空是说第一眼没认出来(后来认出来了),所以用一般过去时,第二空是倒装句,需要助动词,因为这句话完整的是:I didn't recognize you either,用倒装句是Nor did I。故答案选D。

41. B 根据上下文,“我用了(电子字典)”,是对话之前的动作,用一般过去时态。故答案选B。

42. B 根据上下文“烟花爆竹在生产,储存和运输过程中频出事故”,过程中用进行时态表示,只有B正确。

43. A 根据上下文“好的,我就说”,e, go, leave, move等表位移的动词用进行时表示将来,所以选A。

44. D 根据since句型,since引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。根据下文,“没有找到”,所以强调“一直在找”。所以选D。

45. B 根据上下文,“今天的大雨和大风”,用现在时。be expected to do“有望做……”,所以选B。

46. A 根据上下文,两个谓语动词并列,时态保持一致,gave为一般过去时,所以选A。

47. B 根据上下文“几年前,没人会想象它们在市场上所起的作用”,想象的是未来的事情,两者结合所以用过去将来时。were to do表示过去将来时。

48. A 根据上下文“哦,是的。我就去把它关了”,说话者表示临时的决定,用will do。be going to do表示计划好的事情。所以选A。

49. A in the past(last) twenty years为现在完成时态的标志,根据下文,“没人知道什么时候再恢复增长”,时间状语从句中regains用现在时表示将来,所以第二空用一般将来时。所以A正确。

50. D 根据标志词for some time可知用完成时态,根据上文“消息传来,我一点不奇怪”,可见在消息传来之前就已经知道了。根据came一般过去时,选择过去完成时。

Ⅱ.1. will be produced 2. invite 3. force 4. killed 5. indicates 6. is pared 7. have been polluted 8. makes 9. is being broadcast 10. introduced 11. has risen 12. has not been heard of 13. has been rising 14.happened 15. is going to visit/will visit 16. had been sold 17. missed 18. had seen 19. thought 20. has been 21. has grown 22. will be being used 23. didn't know; will go 24. took 25. have taken 26. had taken 27. was reading 28. begins; will begin



一、 填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分。请把答案填写在答题卡相印位置上。

1、函数 的最小正周期为 ▲

2、设 ( 为虚数单位),则复数 的模为 ▲

3、双曲线 的两条渐近线的方程为 ▲

4、集合 共有 ▲ 个子集

5、右图是一个算法的流程图,则输出的 的值是 ▲ (流程图暂缺)


运动员 第一次 第二次 第三次 第四次 第五次

甲 87 91 90 89 93

乙 89 90 91 88 92

则成绩较为稳定(方程较小)的那位运动员成绩的方差为 ▲

7、现在某类病毒记作 ,其中正整数 , ( , )可以任意选取,

则 都取到奇数的概率为 ▲

8、如图,在三棱柱 中, 分别是

的中点,设三棱锥 的体积为 ,三棱柱 的体

积为 ,则 ▲

9、抛物线 在 处的切线与两坐标轴围成三角形区域为 (包含

三角形内部和边界)。若点 是区域 内的任意一点,则 的取值范围是 ▲

10、设 分别是 的边 上的点, , ,

若 ( 为实数),则 的值为 ▲

11、已知 是定义在 上的奇函数。当 时, ,则不等式 的解

集用区间表示为 ▲

12、在平面直角坐标系 中,椭圆 的标准方程为 ,右焦点为 ,右准线为 ,短轴的一个端点为 ,设原点到直线 的距离为 , 到 的距离为 ,

若 ,则椭圆 的离心率为 ▲

13、在平面直角坐标系 中,设定点 , 是函数 ( )图象上一动点,

若点 之间的最短距离为 ,则满足条件的实数 的所有值为 ▲

14、在正项等比数列 中, , ,则满足 的

最大正整数 的值为 ▲



已知 , 。

(1)若 ,求证: ;

(2)设 ,若 ,求 的值。


如图,在三棱锥 中,平面 平面 ,

, ,过 作 ,垂足为 ,

点 分别是棱 的中点。

求证:(1)平面 平面 ;

(2) 。


如图,在平面直角坐标系 中,点 ,直线 。

设圆 的半径为 ,圆心在 上。

(1)若圆心 也在直线 上,过点 作圆 的切线,


(2)若圆 上存在点 ,使 ,求圆心 的横坐

标 的取值范围。


如图,游客从某旅游景区的景点 处下山至 处有两种路径。一种是从 沿直线步行到 ,另一种是先从 沿索道乘缆车到 ,然后从 沿直线步行到 。现有甲、乙两位游客从 处下山,甲沿 匀速步行,速度为 。在甲出发 后,乙从 乘缆车到 ,在 处停留 后,再从匀速步行到 。假设缆车匀速直线运动的速度为 ,山路 长为 ,经测量, , 。

(1)求索道 的长;


(3)为使两位游客在 处互相等待的时间不超过 分钟,



设 是首项为 ,公差为 的等差数列 , 是其前 项和。记 , ,其中 为实数。

(1)若 ,且 成等比数列,证明: ( );

(2)若 是等差数列,证明: 。


设函数 , ,其中 为实数。

(1)若 在 上是单调减函数,且 在 上有最小值,求 的取值范围;

(2)若 在 上是单调增函数,试求 的零点个数,并证明你的结论。


去学科网 ? 可以在线估分 ?最下面可以点击显示答案 ? 我看过了 ?还挺靠谱 剩下的在网站上





 I was due to take my driving test at 11:30 am.It was a rainy morning with low clouds and as I approached the driving school at 9:50 am,my heart sank.My driving instructor. Stan,said something,trying to drive away my fears,but I was not impressed

 We set off for the test centre with an hour to go I wanted a run round the test circuit (圈),but we got stuck in a traffic jam,and could only drive no faster than walking.

 We arrived at the test centre at 11 am.Stan made me watch a group of six learners emerging from the building with their respective(各自的)examiners.Their instructors were looking out from two windows.We watched them drive off They must have been feeling very nervous

 Stan took me round the probable test track,pointing out the traps.The weather became even worse It seemed to make me feel worse too.I had developed a couldn't-care-less mood,and was almost calm We returned to the test centre in time to see the six unfortunates returning.Their nerves must have been in a terrible state.

 I sat in the waiting room until six examiners came in to call out our respective names. Mine showed no emotion as he asked me to go to my car I showed none either,but the tension began mounting again.

 1.On their way to the test center,Stan tried to comfort the author_________

 A.but it made the author's heart sink deeper

 B.but the words produced no effect

 C.so that the author could drive to the center with no fears

 D.so that they could prepare for all he flaps

 2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

 A.Six learners would be tested at the same time.

 B.The learners were tested in the presence of their instructors

 C.None of the six learners passed the test in the end.

 D The instructors were as nervous as the learners

 3.When the author was sitting in the waiting room,he was quite_________

 A.upset B.nervous C.frightened D.relaxed

 4.When it was his turn to take the test,the author went to his car with___________

 A.firm confidence B mixed emotions C.increased nervousness D.perfect calmness

 5.The passage is mainly about___________

 A.the influence of bad weather upon a test taker

 B the feelings of a learner before his driving test

 C the preparations before a driving test

 D.an unforgettable day








 The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly-held image(形象)of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.

 An important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past."We were surprised by just how positive today's young people seem to be about their families," said one member of the research team. "They're expected to be rebellious(叛逆的)and selfish, but actually they have other things on their minds: they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. There's more negotiation(商议)and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. They don't want to rock the boat."

 So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends."My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me," says 17-year-old Daniel Lazall. "I always tell them when I'm going out clug. As long as they know what I'm doing, they're fine with it." Susan Crome, who is now 21, agrees. "Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. For example, as long as I'd done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that."

 Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is possible that the idea of teenage rebellion is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments,"Our surprise that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in our social history when teenagers were regarded as different beings. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. The normal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over."

 1.What is the popular image of teenagers today?

 A.They worry about school.

 B.They dislike living with their parents.

 C.They have to be locked in to avoid troubles.

 D.They quarrel a lot with other family members.

 2.The study shows that teenagers don't want to__________ .

 A.share family responsibility

 B.cause trouble in their families

 C.go boating with their family

 D.make family decisions

 3.Compared with parents of 30 years ago, today's parents__________ .

 A.go to clubs more often with their children

 B.are much stricter with their children

 C.care less about their children's life

 D.give their children more freedom

 4.According to the author, teenage rebellion__________ .

 A.may be a false belief

 B.is common nowadays

 C.existed only in the 1960s

 D.resulted from changes in families

 5.What is the passage mainly about?

 A.Negotiation in family.

 B.Education in family.

 C.Harmony in family.

 D.Teenage trouble in family.








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