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tamoadmin 2024-06-18 人已围观

简介1.主语从句中it做形式主语的常见句型有哪些?2.“it”引导主语从句和“it”做形式主语还有强调句型的区别分别是什么?3.it作形宾的句型4.形式主语it的用法it用作形式宾语帮我加精华啊 第二部分 三、 It 用于强调结构句型 23. It is/was + 被强调部分 + that……是… …的 此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。 It is from the sun that we






帮我加精华啊 第二部分 三、 It 用于强调结构句型 23. It is/was + 被强调部分 + that……是… …的 此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。 It is from the sun that we get light and heat. 我们从太阳得到光和热。 It was my father who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening. 24. It is/was not until + 被强调部分 + that …… 直到… …才…… It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. 直到她摘下墨镜来我才意识到她是一位著名影星。 It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true state of affairs. 直到我读了你的信,我才了解到事情的真实情况。 It is not until I have seen it with my own eyes that I will believe it. 只有我亲眼看到这件事,我才相信它。 25. It is/was … not … (被强调部分)+ that…是… …而不是… … It is/was not …but …(被强调部分)+that…不是……而是…… It was last week not yesterday that she met your brother in New York. 她是在上周而不是在昨天,在纽约看见你弟弟的。 It was not last week but yesterday that she met your brother in New York. 她不是在上周而是在昨天,在纽约看见你弟弟的。 It was Mary’s bag not Jone’s that was lost at school yesterday evening. 昨晚是玛丽的提包,不是琼斯的提包,在学校丢了。 It was not Mary’s bag but Jone’s that was lost at school yesterday evening. 昨晚不是玛丽的提包,而是琼斯的提包,在学校丢了。 26. It is/was because …… + that …… 是因为… …才… … It was because he was ill that he had to see a doctor. 是因为病了,他才不得不去看医生的。 He told me that it was because he was ill that they decided to return. 他告诉我正是因为他患病了他们才决定回来的。 It was because the weather was too bad that we failed to get in touch with them. 正是因为天气太坏,我们才没有和他们联系上。 27. It is/was not because… … but because …… + that …… 不是因为 …… 而是因为 ……才…… It is not because she is beautiful but because she has a talent for music that I recommend her. 我不是因为她美,而是因为她有音乐天才,才推荐她的。 It is not because of your efficiency but because of long absence that you get little money. 不是因为你做事效率低,而是因为你缺勤时间久,得到的钱才少的。 28. It is/was + (被强调部分) + (that) ……+ that …… 正是… … 的这个 ……才…… It is the fact that we have spent all our money that we must face. 正是我们已花光我们所有钱财的这一事实,才是我们必须面对的。 四、 It 用于特殊结构句型 一常用固定句型 29. It is + time + for sb. to do sth 到……时间了; 该到……了 It is + time(about time, high time) + (that) sb. did sth. 时间已迟了; 早该……了 It is time for you to go to bed. 你该睡觉了。 It is time you went to bed. 你早该睡觉了。 It is (high) time that 后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,但should不可省略。 It is time that the children went to bed. (= It is high time that the children should go to bed.) 该到孩子们上床睡觉的时间了。 30. It is + the first / second time(表次数)+ that从句 这是第一次 /第二次… … 该结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。 It is the first time that I have visited the city. It was the third time that the boy had been late. 31. It is + 一段时间 + since从句 It has been + 一段时间 + since从句 自从… … 以来已经 …… 该句型中 " It is … since…"可代替"It has been … since …",意思不变。 It is (= has been) five years since we last met. 自从我们上次见面以来已经有五年了。 注意:since从句中用延续性动词或状态动词的一般过去时,通常表示动作或状态的完成或结束。 It is five years since he lived here. 他不住在这儿已五年了。 It is a long time since he smoked. 他戒烟已有好长时间了。 It is three years since he joined the army. 他参军三年了。 It is three years since he was in the army. 他复员(离开军队)三年了。 32. It be + 一段时间+ before从句 好久… …就…… 该结构中be可以换用其他半系动词,也可以用将来时。 It was some time before he could speak. 过了好一会以后他才说出话来。 二固定习语句型 此类句型颇多,现就高中出现的列举一二: 33. It / That (all) depends. 要看情况而定 --- Can you come to the party tonight? --- It all depends when I finish my paper. --- 你今晚能来参加晚会吗? --- 那要看我什么时候做完作业。 --- What will you do? --- I don’t know. It depends. --- 你愿意干点什么? --- 我不知道。要看情况。 34. It’s /That’s too bad + (that)从句. 太不幸了;太可惜了;真糟糕 It is too bad Jack doesn’t know German better. 真可惜杰克的德语没有学得更好一些。 It was too bad David had a bad cold when the circus came to our town. 真不凑巧,当马戏团来到我们镇上时戴维得了重感冒。 35. When / If it comes / came to the point, ……. 到了紧要关头;到采取行动或作出决定的时候 When it came to the point, he refused to help. 到了紧要关头时,他却拒绝援助。 I’m sure when it comes to the point, Mary won’t marry him after all. 我敢肯定,到做决定时,玛丽是根本不会嫁给他的。 完毕


一、it强调句型的构成:It+be+被强调部分+that(强调部分指人做主语时时用who,指人做宾语时用whom)+句子的其他部分。例如:Mary met an old beggar in the street yesterday.It was Mary who/that met an old beggar in the street yesterday.(强调主语)It was an old beggar whom/that Mary met in the street yesterday.(强调宾语)It was yesterday that Mary met an old beggar in the street.(强调时间状语)It was in the street that Mary met an old beggar yesterday.(强调地点状语)注意:it强调句型不能强调句子的谓语。二、not…until结构强调句型的构成:It+be+not+until部分+that+句子的其他部分。例如:He didn't go to bed until his father came back..变为强调句型为:It was not until his father came back that he went to bed.注意原句中的didn't go部分中的not提前后,剩下did go变为went.本文开头提到的两个句子都是not..until结构用于强调句型。那么把这两句话变回正常的语序则为:1)…but he didn't make his most important discovery until after the war.2)The importance of Fleming's discovery was not fully recognized until World War II.三、特殊疑问句强调句型的构成:特殊疑问词+be+it+that+句子的其他部分(用陈述语序)例如:When did you receive the gift?对特殊疑问词when做强调:When was it that you received the gift?注意此句中的received是由did加receive结合而成的。







It?+?be?+?形容词+?for?sb.)+?动词不定式? 这类句型常用形容词easy,?difficult,?hard,?important,?possible,wise等作表语,有时候为了强调不定式动作的执行者,常在不定式前加for?sb,





用的比较少的 It?+?take?(?sb.?)+?时间(金钱)+?动词不定式






it引导的主语从句,形式主语就是it,真正的主语在句子的后面,通常是to do的不定式短语。

而强调句的结构 it is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其余部分,结构词it is/was和that/who都是没有实际意思的,只是构成句子结构的词而已。这个强调句只能强调名词和代词,也就是主语和宾语,不能强调其他句子成分。

主语从句:It is kind of you to help me with my housework.

强调句:It is you who help me with my housework.


It + be + 形容词+主语从句,如:It is uncertain whether he can come to Jenny’s birthday party or not.

It + be + 名词词组 + 主语从句,这类名词有:a fact, a pity, a shame, an honour,a question等,如:It’s a pity that you missed the exciting football match.

It remains a question whether he will come or not.

It + be + 过去分词+ 主语从句,这类过去分词有:announced, believed, expected, hoped, decided, reported, said, shown等,如:It is reported that 16 people were killed in the earthquake.


1. 动词+ it + that-从句。如:

I like it that you're muscular and have those tight abs .


说明:能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有 have, take, put, like 等。

2. 动词 + it + when (if)-从句。





 e.g. It is wrong to tell a lie.

 (说谎是错误的。) 〔It为to tell a lie的形式主语〕

 It is no use arguing about it.

 (争吵是没用的。) 〔It为arguing about it的形式主语〕

 It is uncertain who will come.

 (谁要来还不确定。) 〔It为who will come的形式主语〕

 It 作形式主语的常见句型:

 ① It + be + 形容词 + to do sth. / doing / that ?.

 e.g. It is very important to learn a foreign language.


 It is useless crying over the spilt milk.


 It was really surprising that she married a man like that.


 ② It + be +名词词组 + doing / that ?.

 e.g. It is no good telling lies.


 It is a pity that you didn?t go to see the film yesterday.


 It is a truth that there would be no new China without the Communist Party.


 ③ It + be + 过去分词 + that ?.

 该句型常见动词有:say, hope, think, suppose, expect, report, know, believe, decide, etc.

 e.g. It is said that they have invented a new type of computer.


 It is believed that China will become one of the strongest countries in the world.


 It was reported that more than 170 thousand people died in the 2004 tsunami.


 ④ It + seems / appears / happens等不及物动词 + that ?.

 e.g. It seems that he enjoys pop songs very much.


 It appears that Tom might change his mind.


 ⑤ 若句子是疑问形式,就只能用it作形式主语。

 e.g. Does it matter much that they won?t come tomorrow?


 Is it true that he will go abroad next week?


 ⑥ It + takes + (sb.) + some time + to do sth.

 这是一个表示?(某人)花多少时间干某事?的句型,其中it是形式主语,代替后面的不定式(to do sth.),句型中的sb.也可以省略。

 e.g. It took me some time to read the reading materials.


 It took him fourteen hours to go to New Zealand from Shanghai by plane.


 How long does it take you to go to Beijing from Qingdao by train?


 I am not sure, but I think it takes at least nine hours to get there.


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